
The latest standings of the World Women's Volleyball League: the Chinese women's volleyball team rose to third 3-1, Poland topped, and Japan was sixth

author:Sports novels

On May 19, Beijing time, the World Women's Volleyball League ended the fifth day of the showdown, and the results of the six games on the same day have come out, among which Poland swept the Netherlands 3-0 in three straight games, and the fish belly duel France 3-1 Bulgaria ushered in the first victory, the Chinese women's volleyball team reversed the fierce rival Serbia 3-1, Italy overturned the world's No. 1 Turkey 3-1, the Dominican Republic swept the fish belly South Korea 3-0, Canada performed strongly 3-1 to beat Thailand, the latest standings have been updated, Poland won three consecutive victories to rush to the first, Brazil won second in a row, the Chinese women's volleyball team was third, Italy won fourth in a row, Japan ranked sixth, and Serbia ranked ninth!

The latest standings of the World Women's Volleyball League: the Chinese women's volleyball team rose to third 3-1, Poland topped, and Japan was sixth

The strength of the Polish women's volleyball team has improved by leaps and bounds, both offensive and defensive, facing the European powerhouse Netherlands in this round, suppressing the Netherlands at both ends of the offensive and defensive ends, and still winning three games in a row to sweep the Netherlands 3-0, winning three consecutive victories and jumping to the top of the standings, while the Brazilian women's volleyball team was squeezed to the second position!

The Paris Olympics host France and Bulgaria staged a fish belly battle, the strength of the two teams is about the same, the highlight is who can get the first victory, the result of the game is very hard, France once took the lead in losing the first game, and then won three games in a row to defeat Bulgaria 3-1, ushered in the first victory of the World League, and Bulgaria was very miserable, swallowing 4 consecutive defeats!

Dominica, whose strength is progressing rapidly, is facing the South Korean team, there is no suspense in the game, Dominica beats South Korea, and the Korean women's volleyball team is passively difficult to resist, and soon loses three games in a row and is swept by Dominica 3-0, and is embarrassed to be at the bottom of three consecutive defeats!

The Canadian women's volleyball team played against the Thai women's volleyball team, the game was in a hot state, and quickly put into the game to suppress Thailand, winning two games in a row to get the match point 2-0, and Canada made a lot of mistakes in the third game, so that the Thai women's volleyball team fought back tenaciously to recover a city, and the Canadian women's volleyball team regained the initiative on the court in the fourth game, thus defeating Thailand 3-1, and winning three consecutive victories and climbing fourth!

The latest standings of the World Women's Volleyball League: the Chinese women's volleyball team rose to third 3-1, Poland topped, and Japan was sixth

The Italian women's volleyball team and the Turkish women's volleyball team, two strong European teams, staged a focus battle, but the game was not full of sparks, the Italian women's volleyball team performed higher, and walked low and high in the case of falling behind 0-1, and then beat Turkey 3-1 in three games, winning three consecutive victories and giving Turkey a second defeat!

The latest standings of the World Women's Volleyball League: the Chinese women's volleyball team rose to third 3-1, Poland topped, and Japan was sixth

The Chinese women's volleyball team and the Serbian women's volleyball team have attracted much attention in this game, as a result, Serbia sent a substitute to play, and the Chinese women's volleyball team ushered in a chance to win.

Literary/sports novels


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