
【Party Discipline Study and Education】Lesson 12 What are the punishment provisions for publishing and disseminating speech with serious political problems?

author:Lingyuan Fusions
【Party Discipline Study and Education】Lesson 12 What are the punishment provisions for publishing and disseminating speech with serious political problems?
【Party Discipline Study and Education】Lesson 12 What are the punishment provisions for publishing and disseminating speech with serious political problems?

  Articles 50, 51, and 52 of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China" set out a negative list of speech and conduct that publishes and disseminates serious political problems, with the purpose of strictly regulating the speech of Party members, ensuring the implementation of the four basic principles, the decision on reform and opening up, and the implementation of the major policies of the Party Central Committee with strict disciplinary provisions, safeguarding the image of the Party and the country, the prestige of the Party and state leaders, and the image of heroes and models, and resolutely opposing acts that distort the history of the Party, the history of the People's Republic of China, and the history of the People's Army. Maintain the unity and unity of the party. There are mainly the following types of speech and dissemination that have serious political problems:

  1. Publicly expressing remarks that oppose or contradict the four cardinal principles or the Party's reform and opening up decisions

  Party members and cadres who openly publish articles, speeches, declarations, statements, etc., that uphold the stand of bourgeois liberalization, oppose the four cardinal principles, and oppose the Party's policy decisions on reform and opening up, in essence, fundamentally negate the Party's basic line, undermine the political situation of stability and unity, betray the Party's cause, and completely lose the requirements for Party membership, and should be expelled from the Party.

  Party members and cadres who openly express remarks that violate the four cardinal principles and contradict or distort the party's policy decisions on reform and opening up are different from the nature and degree of harm of the above-mentioned acts of "opposition." "Violation" and "distortion" are erroneous understandings and understandings, and "opposition" is a direct and fundamental negation.

  2. Arbitrarily discussing the major policies of the Party Central Committee

  This is a conspicuous manifestation of violating political discipline and also violating the principle of democratic centralism stipulated in the party constitution. One of the "seven haves" is that "the tail is too big to fall off, and the central government is discussed in vain." In the punishment notice of party members and cadres who violated discipline and law, there is no lack of such expressions, such as Zhu Congjiu, former member of the party group and vice chairman of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, "vainly discussing the major policies and major decisions of the Party Central Committee", and Fu Zhenghua, former deputy director of the Social and Legal Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, "vainly discussing the major policies of the Party Central Committee". In the course of discipline enforcement supervision, it was discovered that some party members and cadres "did not say anything to their faces and behind their backs," "did not say anything at the meeting or after the meeting," and "did not say anything on the stage and talked nonsense off the stage." These behaviors of making irresponsible remarks about the major policies of the party Central Committee have not only disturbed the thinking of party members and cadres, but also undermined the unity and unity of the party, and hindered the implementation of the major policies of the party Central Committee.

  3. Publicly making remarks that tarnish the image of the Party and the country

  Taking a clear-cut stand against historical nihilism and other erroneous trends of thought and viewpoints, and consciously fighting against words and deeds that tarnish the image of the party and the state, slander party and state leaders, smear heroes and models, and distort the party's history are the principles of party spirit that every party member must follow and the political responsibility that must be fulfilled. In the course of discipline supervision, it was found that some party members and cadres distorted the history of the party and the history of new China, in an attempt to deny the main theme and mainstream essence of the party's historical development; Some maliciously insinuate the party's leadership under various banners, scandalize and smear party and state leaders, and heroic models; Some use stigmatizing remarks to negate the merits of the party and the people's army. These remarks are politically harmful and must be dealt with seriously.

  4. Producing, selling, disseminating, carrying or delivering without permission, or reading, browsing, or listening to materials with serious political issues

  Production, sale, and dissemination of newspapers and periodicals, books, audio-visual products, and electronic reading materials with serious political problems, as well as online texts, pictures, audio, and video materials, regardless of whether they have the purpose of making a profit, are all violations of discipline.

  Where newspapers, periodicals, books, audio-visual products, electronic reading materials, and so forth with serious political problems are brought into or out of the country without permission, and the circumstances are more serious, corresponding sanctions are to be given. The "private carrying" here includes both covertly and blatant implementation; It includes not only carrying or checking in the carry-on baggage, but also instigating others or organizations to carry it with multiple people.

  Privately reading, browsing, or listening to newspapers, periodicals, books, audio-visual products, or e-reading materials with serious political issues, as well as online text, pictures, audio, or video materials, and so forth, are to be given corresponding sanctions if the circumstances are serious. This clause is new in this amendment.

  In addition, the "Regulations" also stipulate that if Party members and cadres provide convenient conditions for the above-mentioned three types of behavior, it is also a violation of political discipline and corresponding sanctions must be given.

Source: website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission

Edited by Han Dan

Proofreading|Hao Yueming

Editor-in-charge|Zheng He, Guo Dadong

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【Party Discipline Study and Education】Lesson 12 What are the punishment provisions for publishing and disseminating speech with serious political problems?

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【Party Discipline Study and Education】Lesson 12 What are the punishment provisions for publishing and disseminating speech with serious political problems?

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【Party Discipline Study and Education】Lesson 12 What are the punishment provisions for publishing and disseminating speech with serious political problems?
【Party Discipline Study and Education】Lesson 12 What are the punishment provisions for publishing and disseminating speech with serious political problems?

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