
Soft and cute Taiwanese sister Chen Yanxi, the means are not soft, this time, Chen Xiao is not joking

author:Brother Hongxi


As night fell, in a suite of a high-end hotel in Beijing, Chen Xiao sat alone on the sofa, holding a glass of whiskey in his hand, looking out the window with empty eyes. His phone screen flickered with missed calls and unread messages, all from the same person — his wife, Chen Yanxi.

Soft and cute Taiwanese sister Chen Yanxi, the means are not soft, this time, Chen Xiao is not joking

Just a few hours ago, the entertainment industry once again set off a storm. The well-known paparazzi Jiang Xiaoyan broke the news in the live broadcast, saying that the marriage between Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi was crumbling, and even Chen Xiao had decided to divorce and was willing to leave the house. This news was like a bombshell thunder, causing an uproar on the Internet.

Soft and cute Taiwanese sister Chen Yanxi, the means are not soft, this time, Chen Xiao is not joking

But what is the truth of the matter? Let's go back six months and uncover the secrets between this once-enviable star couple.

Soft and cute Taiwanese sister Chen Yanxi, the means are not soft, this time, Chen Xiao is not joking

In December 2023, in the box of a high-end restaurant in Beijing.

"Xiao, can we have a good talk?" Chen Yanxi's voice was choked with a hint of choking, "For the sake of the little star, let's work hard again, okay?" "

Chen Xiao put down his chopsticks and took a deep breath, his eyes full of complicated emotions. "Yeon-hee, we've tried it many times. Do you really think we can go back to the way things were? "

Chen Yanxi lowered her head, tears rolling in her eyes. She knew that the rift between herself and Chen Xiao was no longer something that could be repaired by a simple misunderstanding.

Seven years of marriage, from sweet to bland, to today's indifference, they have experienced too much. Once, Chen Xiao desperately recommended Chen Yanxi to play the role of "Little Dragon Girl", and their love story has made countless people envious. But now, they are standing on the precipice of marriage.

Soft and cute Taiwanese sister Chen Yanxi, the means are not soft, this time, Chen Xiao is not joking

What exactly caused the relationship between the golden boy and girl to break down? Let's unravel this mystery slowly.

Chen Xiao's friend revealed that since then, Chen Xiao's attitude towards Chen Yanxi has obviously become much colder. Although the two still maintain a loving image in public, the contradictions in private are becoming increasingly intensified. Chen Xiao questioned Chen Yanxi many times, but each time it ended in a quarrel.

Soft and cute Taiwanese sister Chen Yanxi, the means are not soft, this time, Chen Xiao is not joking

With the passage of time, Chen Xiao's attitude towards marriage gradually changed from the initial forbearance to depression and dissatisfaction. He began to think about why he chose to marry Chen Yanxi in the first place? Was that fiery love just an impulse?

Soft and cute Taiwanese sister Chen Yanxi, the means are not soft, this time, Chen Xiao is not joking

In June 2024, the revelations of the paparazzi Jiang Xiaoyan completely pushed the marriage crisis of the two into the public eye. It is said that Chen Xiao has made up his mind to divorce and is even willing to leave the house. He moved out of his former love nest, blacklisted Chen Yanxi, and changed his mobile phone number. Now, Chen Yanxi and her son can only get in touch with Chen Xiao through an assistant.

Soft and cute Taiwanese sister Chen Yanxi, the means are not soft, this time, Chen Xiao is not joking

This kind of emotional alienation and torture undoubtedly brought a huge blow to Chen Yanxi. Recently, some media photographed Chen Yanxi taking her son out to class alone. She appeared without makeup, which is very different from the glamorous image of the past. The fat is obvious, the state is haggard, and when he sits on the side of the road, his eyes are empty, as if he is contemplating some unspeakable heart.

Soft and cute Taiwanese sister Chen Yanxi, the means are not soft, this time, Chen Xiao is not joking

According to a person familiar with the matter, the reason why Chen Xiao is so resolute is actually because he found some facts that he can't accept. These facts are not only related to Chen Yanxi's past, but also related to some of her behaviors after marriage. But out of consideration for his son, Chen Xiao chose to remain silent, unwilling to make a big deal out of it.

Soft and cute Taiwanese sister Chen Yanxi, the means are not soft, this time, Chen Xiao is not joking

On the other hand, Chen Yanxi's friends said that Chen Yanxi has been trying to save the marriage. She believes that the problems between the two are mainly due to lack of communication and work pressure. But Chen Xiao's attitude became more and more cold, making her feel helpless and hopeless.

Soft and cute Taiwanese sister Chen Yanxi, the means are not soft, this time, Chen Xiao is not joking

This marriage crisis is not only a problem for two people, but also involves their child Xiaoxing. As a 6-year-old child, will he be able to understand the conflict between his parents? How does this family environment affect his upbringing?

Soft and cute Taiwanese sister Chen Yanxi, the means are not soft, this time, Chen Xiao is not joking

In fact, Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's marital crisis is not an isolated case. In the entertainment industry, similar situations are not uncommon. We can't help but ask, why is marriage in the entertainment industry so fragile?

Soft and cute Taiwanese sister Chen Yanxi, the means are not soft, this time, Chen Xiao is not joking

First of all, the work pressure and life pressure faced by celebrities are far beyond ordinary people. Long-term long-distance separation and busy work schedules will bring tests to the relationship between husband and wife. Secondly, there are too many temptations in the entertainment industry, and all kinds of scandals and rumors will bring unnecessary suspicion and harm to the marriage. In addition, the public's attention will also put great pressure on celebrity couples, making it difficult for them to deal with marital issues as comfortably as ordinary people.

Soft and cute Taiwanese sister Chen Yanxi, the means are not soft, this time, Chen Xiao is not joking

Looking back on the relationship between Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi, it is not difficult to find that their marriage has attracted much attention and doubts from the beginning. Some people say that Chen Xiao married Chen Yanxi because of guilt, and some people say that Chen Yanxi married Chen Xiao because of her career. These voices undoubtedly cast a shadow on the relationship between the two.

Soft and cute Taiwanese sister Chen Yanxi, the means are not soft, this time, Chen Xiao is not joking

However, we should not easily dismiss their former feelings. When Chen Xiao strongly recommended Chen Yanxi to play the role of "Little Dragon Girl", the love in his eyes could not deceive people. At the wedding, Chen Xiao's eyes were full of tenderness when she looked at Chen Yanxi. The sweet moment at that time was indeed a "sweet crit" in the entertainment industry, which made countless people envious.

Soft and cute Taiwanese sister Chen Yanxi, the means are not soft, this time, Chen Xiao is not joking

However, the shelf life of love is often not as long as we think. When firewood, rice, oil and salt enter life, when work pressure and family responsibilities coexist, when all kinds of temptations and challenges come one after another, it becomes extremely difficult to maintain a marriage.

Soft and cute Taiwanese sister Chen Yanxi, the means are not soft, this time, Chen Xiao is not joking

For Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi, they may both have something wrong. Chen Xiao may have been too focused on his career and neglected to care about his wife; Chen Yanxi may not have handled the relationship with the opposite sex well and left a bad impression on her husband. But in any case, we hope that they can handle this crisis properly for the sake of their children.

Soft and cute Taiwanese sister Chen Yanxi, the means are not soft, this time, Chen Xiao is not joking

It is worth mentioning that despite the continuous criticism of Chen Yanxi on the Internet, we should also see her efforts as a mother. In recent photos, although she looks emaciated, she still insists on taking her son to class. This attitude of trying to maintain a normal life in the face of difficult circumstances deserves our respect.

Soft and cute Taiwanese sister Chen Yanxi, the means are not soft, this time, Chen Xiao is not joking

At the same time, we should not judge Chen Xiao's decision. Everyone has the right to pursue happiness, and if a relationship is no longer possible, it is not a courage to choose to leave.

Soft and cute Taiwanese sister Chen Yanxi, the means are not soft, this time, Chen Xiao is not joking

Of course, regardless of the outcome, we hope that they will be able to face this crisis with maturity and reason, especially considering the impact on their children. After all, even if the relationship ends, the responsibility of parents is eternal.

Soft and cute Taiwanese sister Chen Yanxi, the means are not soft, this time, Chen Xiao is not joking

This incident also brings us some thoughts: in this era of information explosion, do we give too much attention to celebrities? Should we give them more privacy? As ordinary people, how can we maintain our marriage?

Soft and cute Taiwanese sister Chen Yanxi, the means are not soft, this time, Chen Xiao is not joking

No matter what Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi choose in the end, we all hope that they can find their own happiness. At the same time, this incident also reminds us that marriage requires two people to work together, and it needs to understand, tolerate and trust each other. Only in this way can the flame of love still burn in the days of firewood, rice, oil and salt.

Soft and cute Taiwanese sister Chen Yanxi, the means are not soft, this time, Chen Xiao is not joking

Finally, we expect Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi to respond to these rumors as soon as possible and give a clear statement. Regardless of the outcome, it is believed that they will make the best choice for the future of their children.

Soft and cute Taiwanese sister Chen Yanxi, the means are not soft, this time, Chen Xiao is not joking

Dear readers, what do you think of this incident? Do you think celebrity marriages are really more fragile than ordinary people's marriages? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments section and let's explore this topic together.

Soft and cute Taiwanese sister Chen Yanxi, the means are not soft, this time, Chen Xiao is not joking

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