
Turning over the old historical accounts of the "911 incident", the United States pointed its sword at Saudi Arabia and came at China

Turning over the old historical accounts of the "911 incident", the United States pointed its sword at Saudi Arabia and came at China

In mid-June, China's Ministry of National Defense announced that China and Arab countries had reached an important military agreement, that is, to deepen defense cooperation between China and Arab countries, and to invite senior military officers from Arab countries to China for study and exchanges. We have mentioned this matter before, and in the short term, it may not have a big effect. But in the long run, it is likely to directly change the course of history in the Middle East. It is clearly unacceptable for the United States to get out of control of the situation. Immediately, on the 4th day of the spread of the news, the "attack" began.

Let's start with the specifics. Since last week, the major mainstream media in the United States have begun to hype and broadcast the same historical event, the 911 incident, invariably and extremely "coincidentally". Among these news, there is a news that has never been exposed or disclosed by all walks of life in the United States for more than 20 years, and the 911 incident is likely to have something to do with Saudi Arabia.

Turning over the old historical accounts of the "911 incident", the United States pointed its sword at Saudi Arabia and came at China

It must be mentioned that in this public opinion news, the Western media once again used the ability to "carry private goods in the truth". Is it related to Saudi Arabia, really. But this "related" may not be what many people think. Because bin Laden was actually a Saudi. Later, for various reasons, he seemed to be "spreading extremist ideas" to the outside world, and then he was expelled and stripped of his nationality. Most of the hijackers of the 911 incident are also from Saudi Arabia.

On the bright side, the United States says that 911 is related to Saudi Arabia, but in fact, there is no problem. However, in terms of discourse, this logic is actually misleading and misinterpreted. Bin Laden rose up in Saudi Arabia and spread extremist ideas, and his most loyal followers must have been Saudis.

Intuitively speaking, Saudi Arabia has something to do with the 911 incident, and this matter can be big or small. "Associated with Saudi Arabia" and "related to the Saudi government" are two different things, and the consequences of this are also two kinds. And it is precisely this ambiguity that has become a means for the United States to manipulate the Saudi government. The United States, on the other hand, has always acted against a country, which is to first scandalize public opinion, and then take actions according to the degree and effect of the scandalization, such as sanctions, crackdowns, or negotiations and pressure. Once the United States blames the Saudi government for the 911 incident. Then whether it is Saudi Arabia's overseas assets or a large amount of overseas oil transportation trade related to Saudi Arabia, it is likely to become a "grand event of hijacking and seizure".

Turning over the old historical accounts of the "911 incident", the United States pointed its sword at Saudi Arabia and came at China

It is very ironic that in order to maintain its own strategic stability in the Middle East, the US Congress even set up a special investigation team and produced evidence to prove that the Saudi government had nothing to do with 911. As a result, 20 years have passed, and the United States will "bite" Saudi Arabia when it opens its mouth.

At present, the Palestinian-Israeli issue is fierce, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has not ended, and the game between China and the United States has also entered a white heat. With so many things, why did the United States suddenly think of engaging Saudi Arabia? My sense on my side may have something to do with the accumulation of several things. One is the military defense cooperation between China and the Arab States, and once these officers really learn a trick and a half from China, the United States may have to pay a huge price and energy in the Middle East. To a large extent, it is also aimed at China, and it wants to disrupt China's layout in the Middle East. Second, Saudi Arabia refused to renew the U.S.-Saudi Arabia petro-dollar agreement because of the continued deterioration of relations between Saudi Arabia and the United States. Further, if the dollar loses its anchor of oil, the hegemony of the dollar may collapse. This must stop the Saudis. Third, in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Israel's external public opinion pressure is too great, and neighboring Arab countries are also secretly supporting Hamas. Therefore, it is necessary to set an example in some areas. The relationship between Saudi Arabia and 911 has become the focus of public opinion. And it just so happens that most of Western public opinion is in the hands of Jewish conglomerates.

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Turning over the old historical accounts of the "911 incident", the United States pointed its sword at Saudi Arabia and came at China

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