
Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

author:Write a pen


"It's so annoying, I've seen so many travel bloggers, and this woman is the most annoying!"

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

"She asks for people's names at every turn, because Indians like to rely on this to tell whether the other person is a high caste or not, and then decide the attitude!"

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses
Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

Recently, an Indian travel blogger who "infiltrated" China with a 144-hour visa exemption became popular.

After she landed in Taizhou, Zhejiang, she relied on a series of rude behaviors to increase the "stereotype" of many Chinese people about India.

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

forcibly stepped into the back seat of a private electric car, and if he didn't go by the way, he had to ask the passer-by aunt to see him off, teasing the waiter.

Shoot at every Chinese you see, comment wantonly, and upload it to social platforms without coding....

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

Not to mention that our own people watched the anger trough soar all the way, and netizens in many countries were also angry: "If you are in my country, you are already in trouble!" ”

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

The Indians themselves can't stand it

The Indian influencer has slightly dark skin, dark eye sockets, and visible makeup on his lips and eyebrows.

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

With aggressive eyebrows and eyes and a high-spirited attitude, it looks like a bit of "Kunming Super Male Milk".

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

Generally, the first stop for foreigners to enter China is to apply for a mobile phone card, and after entering the mobile phone store, the boss's attitude is very friendly.

But the eldest sister shot the camera at the boss for the first time, and asked "Do you speak English" at the first time.

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

Then knowing that the other party couldn't speak English, he continued to speak with a broken Indian accent India, and commanded the boss with gestures:

"Show me the phone"!

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses
Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

Faced with this situation, the boss still opened the translation software with a good temper.

Who knew that this move did not get a good word from the Indian Internet celebrity, but turned his head and began to complain about the price of the mobile phone.

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

As soon as many people saw this, they couldn't bear it and began to get angry, and even some Indians felt embarrassed and couldn't help but apologize.

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

Then she went to a clothing store, and when the owner was smiling and choosing clothes for her, the Indian influencer suddenly opened his mouth and began to ask, "What's your name?" ”

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

Asking for a name for no reason is undoubtedly an offensive behavior in China, and now that information is highly developed, personal information needs to be kept confidential.

It can only be said that the customs are different, after all, this may be an important way for Indian high-caste people to judge "whether they can overpower each other".

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

Not only did she ask for people's names at clothing stores, but she also got on the bus.

As soon as she rushed into the bus, she used the camera to take pictures of the environment inside the bus and everyone's faces.

And without the slightest intention of giving money, he opened his mouth and arranged for the driver to "go" in English.

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

The driver saw that she was a foreign woman who was acting crazy, and she wanted to speak several times, but finally gave up the struggle and chose to continue driving to escort the passengers.

But even so, the Indian Internet celebrity didn't let go of the driver, and halfway through, she suddenly wanted to get out of the car, so she rushed directly to the front door and asked the driver to stop.

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

At this moment, she saw the coin box of "2 yuan per person", but this Indian Internet celebrity, who had obviously exercised her cheeks, still chose not to pay a penny.

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

Not only that, in order to see the master's name clearly, she also directly took a close-up picture of the driver's master's work card, without the slightest intention of coding.

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

On the road to Taizhou, the Indian Internet celebrity recorded videos that made people's blood pressure soar everywhere he went.

The convenience store owner politely helped her buy juice, but she was blind throughout the whole process, and she disliked the change that the boss was looking for.

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses
Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

She may be tired from walking on the road, but she actually sat directly on the back seat of an electric car of a passing aunt, and then asked the aunt to walk forward in English.

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

Although the language barrier, the aunt still barely saw that the direction in which the Indian Internet celebrity was going was seriously unrelated to herself, so she refused directly.

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

But this rude Indian woman didn't care about her aunt's resistance at all, and kept urging her aunt to leave quickly.

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

In desperation, the aunt had no choice but to start the car, and the Indian woman showed a smug smile in the back.

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

According to netizens, she once did a similar move when she visited Pakistan, regardless of asking others, she was very happy to record the other party's helpless submission.

Suo Xing happened to have a traffic police officer on duty nearby, and the aunt just took her through the traffic light and sent the person to the traffic police.

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

An even more disgusting picture followed, as soon as she saw the approaching officer in police uniform, the Indian woman quickly claimed:

"Okay, okay, I'm down, actually, I'm just kidding."

Good guy, this "bullying the soft and afraid of the hard" is really shameless to the extreme.

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

In the end, the Indian Internet celebrity, who had gone around in a big circle, finally decided to go back to the hotel to rest, but until this time, she didn't live very well, but directly teased the waiter.

After entering the hotel, she ordered a cup of coffee, and when the little brother came to bring it to her, the Indian influencer continued to ask: "What's your name".

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

At this moment, you can really feel how outrageous the caste system really is, and they are constantly trying to judge each other's status by name, and then decide their own attitude.

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

The little brother's attitude was always very good, and the service of the hotel also made the Indian Internet celebrity can't help but revel for a while, but when it came to the final checkout, she took an Indian 100 rupees to pay for it.

You know, just before she reveled, she also converted the price of coffee in front of the camera, which is about 600 rupees.

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

But now, she relied on the waiter's ignorance of Indian currency, and directly took a 100 rupee bill to settle the bill, looking at the figure of the little brother walking away, the Indian Internet celebrity once again showed a mocking smile.

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

There have been Indians apologizing in the comment section below the video, but in any case, the Indian influencer's behavior is disgusting enough.

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

In the end, after running several times, she finally took out a 50 yuan yuan and paid the bill normally.

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

Looking at the always polite service brother, the contrast is simply too stark, and it is no wonder that whether it is at home or abroad, the comment area directly scolds the female Internet celebrity for being "bloody".

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses


Some netizens said: "China welcomes foreigners with quality and cultivation. ”

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

And from the video of this Internet celebrity, countless foreigners also saw the gentleness, politeness and kindness of the Chinese people.

In stark contrast, they condemned the Indian influencer and praised the Chinese.

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

If the Indian influencer continues to tour China in this way, I still hope that she will leave as soon as possible.

Just say "what's your name" to her, or India is more suitable for her.

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

信源:素材本人账号IDTravel with JO(youtube)

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled to China to arouse public anger, slapping their faces, not giving money, bullying aunts, and playing waitresses

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