
PSBC actively carries out financial knowledge education and publicity to deliver financial warm energy

author:Rule of law in Linfen
PSBC actively carries out financial knowledge education and publicity to deliver financial warm energy

From September 15 to October 15, Postal Savings Bank of China organized the 2023 "Financial Consumer Rights Protection Education and Publicity Month" activities throughout the Bank to help consumers improve their financial literacy, enhance their awareness of financial security, and demonstrate the new responsibilities and new atmosphere of financial consumer rights protection.

The "main position" of the network is full of highlights

Taking advantage of the wide range of points and the sinking of branches, PSBC takes grassroots business outlets as the "main position" of publicity, and the head office uniformly deploys all business outlets of the bank to carry out the "three up" publicity activities of poster slogans on the screen, education and publicity materials on the shelves, and financial knowledge propaganda videos on the screen, creating a good publicity atmosphere in nearly 40,000 business outlets across the country.

Local business outlets have also carried out publicity and education activities in halls with rich forms and highlights. Jiangsu Branch organized its branches to carry out "one-minute education" to explain to customers financial knowledge such as telecom fraud prevention, anti-money laundering, anti-counterfeiting, deposit insurance and credit investigation security. Zhonghua Road Sub-branch of Anshan City, Liaoning Province invited students from Martyrs' Mountain Primary School to the sub-branch to carry out the "First Lesson in Finance" activity, and broadcast a series of financial encyclopedia animations to stimulate young people's interest in learning financial knowledge. The business department of Quzhou Branch in Zhejiang Province held a financial knowledge salon to popularize financial knowledge such as insurance, funds, and wealth management according to the financial needs of different groups.

Multi-party linkage to enhance the influence of mission

In order to enhance the influence of publicity and education, PSBC institutions at all levels actively cooperate with relevant units to attract consumer groups in different fields to participate in publicity activities, forming a multi-party linkage and joint publicity situation.

Guangdong Branch and China Post Group Co., Ltd. Guangdong Branch, China Post Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Guangdong Branch and China Post Consumer Finance Co., Ltd. jointly carried out the theme publicity of "Gathering Financial Strength to Create a Better Life", and carried out on-site Q&A, publicity and introduction. Chongqing Branch, together with the Economic Investigation Corps of Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Chongqing Anti-Fraud Center and Jiangbei District Anti-Fraud Center, carried out the theme activity of "Anti-fraud Publicity into 10,000 Homes" with the help of experts, allowing experienced experts to teach anti-counterfeiting and anti-fraud methods to the public. Fujian Branch, Fuzhou University and China Mobile Communications Group Fujian Co., Ltd. jointly hosted the theme party of "Fighting Fraud with One Heart, Protecting Ten Thousand Families, Fighting Fraud with All People, and Walking Together with You", to enhance the public's awareness of risk prevention with real cases.

The "five entry" helps education and publicity go deeper and deeper

PSBC actively carries out the "five entry" (financial knowledge into rural areas, communities, campuses, enterprises, and business circles) concentrated education and publicity activities to help the publicity and education activities go deeper and deeper. At the same time, taking the "Five Entry" activity as an opportunity, a special publicity of "Financial Knowledge into the Countryside - Post Your Rural Companion" was carried out throughout the bank, tilting financial knowledge publicity resources to remote areas and areas where ethnic minorities are concentrated, and opening up the "last mile" of financial knowledge publicity.

PSBC actively carries out financial knowledge education and publicity to deliver financial warm energy

PSBC financial literacy promotion activities entered the campus

The Jilin Provincial Branch went to Yumin Village, Luxiang Town, Shuangyang District, Changchun City, Jilin Province, held the unveiling ceremony of the "Rural Financial Education Demonstration Base", and publicized financial knowledge to farmers by setting up financial knowledge publicity boards, publicity walls, check-in houses, etc. The Hebei Provincial Branch organized its institutions to go to more than 700 villages in the province to carry out the "Financial Knowledge into the Countryside - Post Your Rural Companion" activity, reaching more than 1.14 million villagers. Wucheng Road Sub-branch of Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province jointly launched the "Financial Knowledge into the Community" activity to explain to residents the knowledge of preventing telecom fraud and resisting illegal fundraising. Shenzhen Branch set up a team of missionary volunteers to conduct small classes on financial intelligence for teenagers in schools to help children cultivate financial awareness from an early age. Beijing Branch organized its institutions to introduce financial knowledge such as wealth management insurance and anti-telecom fraud to employees of Beijing Deji Information Technology Co., Ltd. and other enterprises. Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Yinchuan Yuehai Wanjia Branch and Xicheng District Branch walked into the surrounding business districts to explain credit investigation knowledge to merchants and be vigilant against illegal fundraising.

In the next step, PSBC will continue to give full play to its advantages of multi-faceted points and sinking outlets, promote the dissemination of financial knowledge wider and deeper, and at the same time strengthen the publicity and education of financial knowledge for the elderly, new citizens and other groups, meet the differentiated financial service needs of different groups, practice finance for the people with practical actions, and deliver more financial warmth power.

(Source: China Net Finance)

Editor: Tian Zimeng

Reviewed: Di Hongsheng

PSBC actively carries out financial knowledge education and publicity to deliver financial warm energy

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