
I saw that women have to learn to be smart and lazy, and they can get a family of five dishes in 20 minutes, or hard dishes come back and praise me vigorously, it's delicious. [Slap in the face] I used to cook four or five dishes a day, and I picked three

author:Three meals a day pack you eat addictively

I saw that women have to learn to be smart and lazy, and they can get a family of five dishes in 20 minutes, or hard dishes come back and praise me vigorously, it's delicious.

I thought I was cheap, and after that, I made a big pot of dishes every day, which were delicious and didn't bother to think about it

So we women don't spend our minds on too much uselessness, only spend 30 minutes a week making a good plan, eat whatever comes to mind, and then keep a good mood, do a good job, love to eat or not, who is hungry who knows

What I do is braised pork rice: fry the onion first, fry it directly if you don't want to get tiger skin eggs, absorb more juice, stew directly with cola, put some chicken essence, the taste is comparable to that of the chef # Family simple fast hand rice # @

1. Prepare ingredients in advance: Buy a week's worth of ingredients at one time, store them separately, save shopping time, and have more options to do

2. Create a menu: Create a menu every week and plan your daily menu in advance to avoid wasting time on impromptu decisions.

3. Batch cooking: Cook multiple portions of food at once, divide them and freeze them in the refrigerator, and heat them up when needed.

4. Use kitchen utensils: such as rice cookers, pressure cookers, etc., you can cook multiple dishes at the same time to save time.

5. Simplify cooking steps: Choose dishes that are easy to make, or choose semi-finished ingredients to reduce cooking time.

6. Establish a division of household chores: Involve family members in household chores and share the cooking work.

7. Create a schedule: Organize your time wisely and avoid starting cooking only when you're busy.

8. Learn to clean up quickly: Clean up the kitchen immediately after cooking to avoid accumulating too many dirty dishes and chopsticks.

9. Maintain a positive mindset: Cooking is a pleasure, and staying positive will make cooking easier and more enjoyable.

#Documenting my life# #美食#

I saw that women have to learn to be smart and lazy, and they can get a family of five dishes in 20 minutes, or hard dishes come back and praise me vigorously, it's delicious. [Slap in the face] I used to cook four or five dishes a day, and I picked three
I saw that women have to learn to be smart and lazy, and they can get a family of five dishes in 20 minutes, or hard dishes come back and praise me vigorously, it's delicious. [Slap in the face] I used to cook four or five dishes a day, and I picked three
I saw that women have to learn to be smart and lazy, and they can get a family of five dishes in 20 minutes, or hard dishes come back and praise me vigorously, it's delicious. [Slap in the face] I used to cook four or five dishes a day, and I picked three
I saw that women have to learn to be smart and lazy, and they can get a family of five dishes in 20 minutes, or hard dishes come back and praise me vigorously, it's delicious. [Slap in the face] I used to cook four or five dishes a day, and I picked three
I saw that women have to learn to be smart and lazy, and they can get a family of five dishes in 20 minutes, or hard dishes come back and praise me vigorously, it's delicious. [Slap in the face] I used to cook four or five dishes a day, and I picked three
I saw that women have to learn to be smart and lazy, and they can get a family of five dishes in 20 minutes, or hard dishes come back and praise me vigorously, it's delicious. [Slap in the face] I used to cook four or five dishes a day, and I picked three

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