
Fu Jiying's calligraphy: good beginnings and good ends. Take the first step bravely to meet new challenges, and firmly walk towards the end and achieve the goal in mind. A good beginning and a good end is a precious wealth of life and the only way to succeed

author:Fu Jiying Art Museum

Fu Jiying's calligraphy: good beginnings and good ends. Take the first step bravely to meet new challenges, and firmly walk towards the end and achieve the goal in mind. Beginning and ending well is a precious wealth of life and the only way to succeed. Every starting point is a new possibility, and every end is a new beginning. Adhere to the original intention, abide by the promise, live up to the time, and live up to the mission. Life is like flowing water, and only by beginning and ending well can we leave an eternal light in the long river of years. #赏析卓越书法# #探讨卓越书法# #佳作书法分享# #谈书法品人生# #写字立业念难# #共赏卓绝书法# #书法家佳作分享# #书法家力作分享# #谈谈心中的书法# #分享美好书法#

Fu Jiying's calligraphy: good beginnings and good ends. Take the first step bravely to meet new challenges, and firmly walk towards the end and achieve the goal in mind. A good beginning and a good end is a precious wealth of life and the only way to succeed
Fu Jiying's calligraphy: good beginnings and good ends. Take the first step bravely to meet new challenges, and firmly walk towards the end and achieve the goal in mind. A good beginning and a good end is a precious wealth of life and the only way to succeed
Fu Jiying's calligraphy: good beginnings and good ends. Take the first step bravely to meet new challenges, and firmly walk towards the end and achieve the goal in mind. A good beginning and a good end is a precious wealth of life and the only way to succeed
Fu Jiying's calligraphy: good beginnings and good ends. Take the first step bravely to meet new challenges, and firmly walk towards the end and achieve the goal in mind. A good beginning and a good end is a precious wealth of life and the only way to succeed
Fu Jiying's calligraphy: good beginnings and good ends. Take the first step bravely to meet new challenges, and firmly walk towards the end and achieve the goal in mind. A good beginning and a good end is a precious wealth of life and the only way to succeed
Fu Jiying's calligraphy: good beginnings and good ends. Take the first step bravely to meet new challenges, and firmly walk towards the end and achieve the goal in mind. A good beginning and a good end is a precious wealth of life and the only way to succeed
Fu Jiying's calligraphy: good beginnings and good ends. Take the first step bravely to meet new challenges, and firmly walk towards the end and achieve the goal in mind. A good beginning and a good end is a precious wealth of life and the only way to succeed
Fu Jiying's calligraphy: good beginnings and good ends. Take the first step bravely to meet new challenges, and firmly walk towards the end and achieve the goal in mind. A good beginning and a good end is a precious wealth of life and the only way to succeed
Fu Jiying's calligraphy: good beginnings and good ends. Take the first step bravely to meet new challenges, and firmly walk towards the end and achieve the goal in mind. A good beginning and a good end is a precious wealth of life and the only way to succeed

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