
This time, the United States finally made it clear that the reason for such targeting of China was made in China

author:Liu Dayi 2021
This time, the United States finally made it clear that the reason for such targeting of China was made in China

You can see it clearly! What is singled out by one country against the United States and NATO is made in Russia

Without the dollar, foreign aid is far inferior to Ukraine, and the United States has used its strength to eat milk, why hasn't Russia fallen?

Russian military industry.

The foundation is good, the reproduction capacity is strong, and the heritage of a military power still exists -- Russia produces 20,000 artillery shells per day, Europe needs one month, and the United States produces 700 shells per day.

The output of the United States and NATO in a month is only enough for Ukraine to fight for 5 days, how can this battle be won?

War, fight attrition, fight supply. When I was a child, I watched combat movies, and the most anxious thing was that the bullets on the position were running out, and the ammunition was not enough, which was the most disturbing.

This time, the United States finally made it clear that the reason for such targeting of China was made in China

Pulling the dollar to 6 percent or even 8 percent, the Americans' goal is to pull out the Chinese manufacturing

From the trade war to the technology war, now is the last hurdle, the financial war.

Americans are not stupid, the choice of the target is very accurate, the mind is made in China, the original term is called "safety", the recent invention is called "overcapacity".

For one purpose –

If the American manufacturing can't come back, then it will never let the Chinese manufacturing get it;

If the United States cannot be great again, it would rather be small, make it down, and make it clear: it is the best if it can do it, and if it can't do it, it will die together.

If the United States is not good, China should not think about it!

This time, the United States finally made it clear that the reason for such targeting of China was made in China

If you look carefully, China's manufacturing has surpassed that of the United States, and trouble has been created continuously

1. If the Chinese only produce shirts and Christmas trees, the United States welcomed them at first;

2. What if China not only produces low-end but also the middle end, or even transforms and upgrades to high-end? Americans are not happy.

(1) Home appliances cover the whole world

(2) The world's largest export of computers, mobile phones, tablets, etc

(3) Made in China is the sum of the G7

3. If China surpasses the United States in the field of high technology, the United States will fight with you!

(1) Crazy sanctions against Huawei, but it can't be killed;

(2) What I didn't expect was that China's new energy vehicles sprung up, surpassed when discovered, and then exported to the world's first;

(3) China goes one step further, when the production of shirts and Christmas trees enters the 5G + AI Internet of Everything, digital workers, digital workshops and digital industries, there will be nothing to do with Americans!

This time, the United States finally made it clear that the reason for such targeting of China was made in China

The U.S. military industry, which produces 700 artillery shells per day, has begun to lose to China's U.S. technology in terms of high and new technology, and has gone downhill...... Then the international anti-American forces gathered, concentrated, and assembled

Production of artillery shells –

1 is the raw material, for example, only the long-staple cotton in Xinjiang is the best;

2. "low-wage" workers work overtime and work hard;

3. The industrial chain should be complete;

4. The materials are complete;

5. The machine industry is developed.

The United States cannot do these five points. I did it 100 years ago, and if I can't do it now, I can't do it, and I can't do it.

Occupy the mountain as king!

Controlling, suppressing, enslaving China on high technology?

It's a pity.

High-tech, changed the show -

American high-tech is Intel hard drive, Microsoft Windows, Apple mobile phone, Qualcomm chip, Nvidia car machine......

China's high-tech 1 is new energy, 2 is new energy vehicles, 3 is Huawei 5G, 4 is drones, 5 is power batteries......

In addition to the synchronization of Nvidia car machine and Huawei, the only remaining "Made in America" in the United States is all the product of the last century, lagging behind the Chinese generation: the power of the fourth industrial revolution was led by China, and then China and the United States are going all out to fight for AI!

This time, the United States finally made it clear that the reason for such targeting of China was made in China

The so-called AI is called industrial robots.

Without industry, to the industrialized United States, is there an application scenario? development direction, right? market prospects, okay?

Americans, show timidity.

For the first time in 245 years of history, we have encountered hard stubble.

In the United States, the troubles have just begun: 1. Political system, 2. Financial statehood, 3. Military hegemony, 4. Imperialism, 5. Unscrupulous means to achieve one's own selfish interests, 6. Making too many enemies, 7. Betraying relatives and leaving relatives, 8. The three major structural contradictions in the country have torn the country apart......

The dollar continues to burst, and the unlucky one is the most ironclad country with the United States.

The United States continues to be crazy, the worse the United States, the better China is, and the more accurate the United States suppresses, the more China will grow. I'm used to it, I don't have any illusions, so I'll do it myself.

The United States continues to dominate –

1. How did Ukraine end?

2. The Middle East is the graveyard of empires;

3. The success rate of stirring up trouble around China is too low;

4. The world has suffered from the United States for a long time;

5. The successful transformation of China's manufacturing, the continuous upgrading of China's creation, the Belt and Road Initiative is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the world is entering the Chinese era: Purple gas comes from the east, the national fortune is transpiring, and it is won without a fight.

If you are poor, you will be good to yourself, and if you are rich, you will help the world.

This is the 21st century rejuvenation of a great country, the best as water, and the ultimate good......

Learn from China's good example!

This time, the United States finally made it clear that the reason for such targeting of China was made in China

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