
In summer, eat 5 kinds of nutritious green vegetables at the right time, and many people don't know if they don't use medicine because they are high in calcium

author:I'm Qiu Tian

The summer is scorching and the sun is shining, and all kinds of vegetables and fruits are on the market in large quantities. Summer is also a good time for the body to absorb calcium. When it comes to calcium supplementation, the first thing that comes to mind is calcium tablets, shrimp skin, milk, etc. But what you may not know is that vegetables are also rich in calcium, and some vegetables are even higher in calcium than milk. Today, I will introduce to you five kinds of vegetables that are very suitable for summer consumption, which are not only high in calcium, but also pure natural without pesticides. What are the five types of vegetables? Let's find out together!

In summer, eat 5 kinds of nutritious green vegetables at the right time, and many people don't know if they don't use medicine because they are high in calcium

Type 1: Edamame.

Summer is the season when edamame beans are available in large quantities, and they are not only delicious but also highly nutritious. Edamame is rich in protein, vitamins, dietary fiber, etc., and the calcium content is also very high, with 135 mg of calcium per 100 grams of edamame. With 104 milligrams of calcium per 100 grams of milk, edamame contains three times as much calcium as cow's milk. In addition, the potassium content in edamame is also very high, in summer, we often sweat, and the potassium in edamame can replenish the potassium loss caused by excessive sweating, which can effectively relieve sleepiness, fatigue and loss of appetite caused by potassium loss. Therefore, while edamame is on the market, we might as well eat a little more.

In summer, eat 5 kinds of nutritious green vegetables at the right time, and many people don't know if they don't use medicine because they are high in calcium

The second type: fungus vegetables.

Agaric is also a seasonal vegetable in summer, with large, verdant leaves with irregularly sharp serrations around the edges. There are fewer diseases and pests in the fungus, so there is almost no need to spray pesticides. Many friends may not know much about fungus vegetables, but in fact, fungus vegetables are also a vegetable with high nutritional value. It is not only rich in dietary fiber, but also can help us moisten the intestines and improve dry skin and other problems. Its calcium content is also very high, containing 166 mg of calcium per 100 grams of fungus vegetables, which is a veritable "high-calcium vegetable". It has a good effect on promoting bone health and enhancing the body's immunity. In this hot summer, we will mix or stir-fry fungus vegetables, which are good choices for summer heat.

In summer, eat 5 kinds of nutritious green vegetables at the right time, and many people don't know if they don't use medicine because they are high in calcium

The third type: amaranth.

Amaranth is a frequent guest on my family's summer table, because the juice is red after cooking, and the color is very beautiful when mixed with food, and the children in the family especially like it. In fact, the nutritional value of amaranth is also extremely high, every 100 grams of amaranth contains about 180 mg of calcium, which is more than twice that of milk. In addition, amaranth is also rich in vitamin K, vitamin A, dietary fiber and other nutrients, which have a good effect on promoting bone health and preventing anemia. Not only that, amaranth is also a vegetable that does not use pesticides, because its vitality is very tenacious and has a strong growth ability, which makes it rarely affected by pests and diseases, and it does not need to be dewormed by pesticides. So, you might as well eat more amaranth in the summer.

In summer, eat 5 kinds of nutritious green vegetables at the right time, and many people don't know if they don't use medicine because they are high in calcium

Fourth: sweet potato leaves.

Sweet potato leaves are also a common vegetable in summer, and it is also a vegetable with a high calcium content, containing 188 mg of calcium per 100 grams of sweet potato leaves. In addition to being rich in calcium, sweet potato leaves also contain various vitamins, a variety of trace elements and dietary fiber, which have the effect of promoting metabolism and maintaining intestinal health. Regular consumption of sweet potato leaves can also improve the overall health of the human body to a certain extent. The sweet potato leaf is the leaf on the stem of the sweet potato, which has natural resistance to common vegetable pests and diseases, such as aphids, powdery mildew, etc., and can defend itself to a certain extent. Therefore, sweet potato leaves are also a vegetable that does not require the use of pesticides, and we can eat it with confidence.

In summer, eat 5 kinds of nutritious green vegetables at the right time, and many people don't know if they don't use medicine because they are high in calcium

The fifth type: cocoon white.

It is a seasonal ingredient that can only be eaten in summer and autumn every year. As we all know, it is an aquatic plant, it grows in water or silt, due to its special growth environment, farmers rarely use pesticides in the planting process. In addition, it is also a high-calcium food, with a calcium content of 46 mg per 100g of coconut white. In addition to calcium, it also contains more carbohydrates, proteins, fats, etc., which can supplement the nutrients of the human body and have the effect of strengthening the body. If today's article is helpful to you, then click a follow, a like, and thank you for your support.

In summer, eat 5 kinds of nutritious green vegetables at the right time, and many people don't know if they don't use medicine because they are high in calcium

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