
I can't trust the United States, Hamas asked China to guarantee the ceasefire agreement, Blinken: Unacceptable

author:Yujing Hunting History

Text丨Yu Jing Hunting History

Editor丨Yujing Hunting History

The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

On June 10, local time in the United States, a noteworthy incident occurred at the United Nations headquarters in New York, USA, about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

At the UN Security Council meeting on the same day, the participating countries voted 14 in favor and one abstention to formally adopt a UN resolution 2735 submitted by the United States calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, and called on Hamas and Israel to accept the resolution.

I can't trust the United States, Hamas asked China to guarantee the ceasefire agreement, Blinken: Unacceptable

It has to be said that after more than half a year of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the Security Council finally reached an agreement and responded to the international community's concern for the people of Gaza with this resolution.

A ceasefire has always been the top priority in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and only when both sides agree to "withdraw their troops" and that it is a sustainable and permanent ceasefire can the humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip be truly contained.

I can't trust the United States, Hamas asked China to guarantee the ceasefire agreement, Blinken: Unacceptable

Therefore, the Palestinian-Israeli ceasefire resolution clearly points out that the first phase of the United Nations is to demand an "immediate, comprehensive and complete ceasefire" between the Palestinian and Israeli armies.

"Immediately" stresses that a ceasefire is urgent; "Comprehensive" means that Israeli forces must withdraw from all populated areas in the Gaza Strip, and that the Israeli government must release Palestinian civilians in custody, and Hamas must release some of the detainees and return the remains of the dead on the Israeli side; "Completeness", as mentioned above, requires a permanent ceasefire between the two sides to prevent the next humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza.

I can't trust the United States, Hamas asked China to guarantee the ceasefire agreement, Blinken: Unacceptable

In addition to this, the resolution is divided into two and three phases.

According to the resolution, the goal of the second phase is to continue to push for the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the entire Gaza Strip and to withdraw completely, in exchange for the release of all remaining Israeli detainees.

I can't trust the United States, Hamas asked China to guarantee the ceasefire agreement, Blinken: Unacceptable

The third phase is post-war reconstruction, from which the United Nations should allocate funds to fund a large-scale reconstruction of Gaza, and the United Nations agencies may return to the Gaza Strip.

Perhaps because of the proposal submitted by the United States itself, Israel has been more active than in previous ceasefire negotiations, and shortly after the United States released the draft resolution on May 31, the Israeli government said it "welcomed" and "accepted" the United States resolution, and then in turn stressed that it "urges" Hamas to accept the ceasefire resolution.

In fact, on the evening of the adoption of Ceasefire Resolution No. 2735, Hamas issued a statement saying that it also "welcomes" the resolution and that Kazakhstan is willing to negotiate with Israel through the cooperation of intermediary mediators to promote a ceasefire in Gaza.

I can't trust the United States, Hamas asked China to guarantee the ceasefire agreement, Blinken: Unacceptable

Hamas leader

As a result, the United States, as the sponsor of the resolution, sent Secretary of State Antony Blinken to the Middle East to coordinate the negotiations, but this time there was bad news.

According to Western media reports, Blinken held a press conference in Doha, the capital of Qatar, and said that Hamas had put forward some "revisions" during the negotiations, and these opinions were "unacceptable", but Blinken refused to disclose the details of what the specific opinions were.

I can't trust the United States, Hamas asked China to guarantee the ceasefire agreement, Blinken: Unacceptable

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken (left)

However, the New York Times published a report that seemed to give a glimpse of two senior members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps, who claimed they knew the facts, revealing to reporters that Hamas demanded that Israel must withdraw from key Gaza corridors, such as the Rafah crossing, the lifeline of the Gaza people, within a deadline.

In addition, the Kazakh side also proposed that China, Russia, and Turkey come forward to sign a ceasefire agreement as a joint guarantor to ensure that both sides strictly abide by the agreement.

Not only that, Reuters also revealed that Hamas also asked the United States to sign a guarantee, which the Kazakh side believes can effectively monitor the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza, and second, it can also guarantee a real and permanent ceasefire between the two sides.

I can't trust the United States, Hamas asked China to guarantee the ceasefire agreement, Blinken: Unacceptable

However, Blinken said that this was "unacceptable", and after "unacceptable", the Israeli army made a new move.

On June 12, the Israeli army issued a notice stating that it would continue its operations in southern Gaza. Today, the Palestinians and Israelis are still fighting, Israel has killed many Palestinian armed squads in the city of Rafah, and Palestinian armed groups have also called in personnel to launch a counterattack against the Israeli army in the city of Rafah.

In addition, the friction between Lebanon and Israel has also begun to intensify, and there are signs of escalating into conflicts, according to Israeli media sources, Allah launched 215 rockets in one day on the 12th to hit northern Israeli cities.

Hamas stresses that it is Israel that rejects the ceasefire, and that Kazakhstan's amendment is legitimate, while Israel believes that Hamas's request for a revision of the plan is a rejection of the plan, and the various mediation parties are still trying to mediate.

In fact, it is not difficult to see that whether it is asking for a joint guarantee from China, Russia and Turkey, or asking for a written guarantee from the United States, it is actually Hamas that it does not trust the promises of the United States and Israel, so it is necessary to implement the ceasefire agreement with supervision and evidence, and if Hamas's amendments are limited to this, then it is not excessive, and these measures are only to ensure that the agreement is guaranteed.

I can't trust the United States, Hamas asked China to guarantee the ceasefire agreement, Blinken: Unacceptable

June 9, local time, Gaza Strip


2024-06-13 CCTV: "Israeli Army Continues Military Operations in Many Places in the Gaza Strip Senior Hamas Official: It Is Israel That Rejects the Current Ceasefire Agreement";

2024-06-12 Xinhua News Agency: "Israeli media: Hamas rejects outline of US ceasefire proposal";

2024-06-11 Xinhua News Agency: "UN Security Council Adopts Resolution Calling for Ceasefire in Gaza Strip"

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