
Documentary of Teacher Su Zhikuan's Poetry Collection Donation Activity and Promotion of Literary Works Series (No. 10)

author:Abundant spring and autumn

Documentary of Teacher Su Zhikuan's Poetry Collection Donation Activity and Promotion of Literary Works Series (No. 10)

Recommended: Chang Guihai

Calligraphy: Zhang Bingzhen

Documentary of Teacher Su Zhikuan's Poetry Collection Donation Activity and Promotion of Literary Works Series (No. 10)

Introduction: My good friend Zhang Bingzhen for many years was a student in Class 11 when Mr. Su Zhikuan was teaching at Nanhetou Middle School in Xian County from 1964 to 1968 (during which Mr. Su has been serving as a class teacher). He is a student that Mr. Su has been paying more attention to for many years, and he is also one of the students who is diligent, versatile, and has a fruitful literary achievement, which the teacher appreciates and is proud of. From what I know about Brother Zhang Bingzhen, he has many similarities with Mr. Su in many ways. The same love of reading, love of learning, no matter what to learn, very focused, hard-working, persevering, and never tired of learning, tireless teaching; The same emphasis on fame and fortune, doing a line, loving a line, specializing in a line, no matter where you are, no matter what you do, you are diligent, conscientious, and do a good job in different positions; He also has a wide range of interests, loves calligraphy, painting and photography, likes poetry and songs, and is committed to pursuing high style, high level and high quality, which has gained a lot. Obviously, Mr. Su had a great influence on the student Zhang Bingzhen, and it left a deep imprint on his heart. In his own words: The achievements and achievements of the teacher's creation are the goal that I will always catch up, and the teacher's character and talent are the example that I will always learn!

On April 7 this year, at my invitation, Zhang Bingzhen participated in the "Donation Ceremony of Mr. Su Zhikuan's Poetry Collection" organized by the Botou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism, the Botou Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles and other relevant departments. On that day, he witnessed Mr. Su's four poetry collections receiving high-standard courtesy in his hometown of Botou, which was highly praised and appreciated, and was warmly welcomed. In it, he was both happy and excited, and felt sincerely happy for the teacher's carefully polished poetry masterpieces in his later years to return to his hometown, and silently determined to make a modest contribution to the wide dissemination and lasting dissemination of the teacher's poetry collection in his hometown Botou, so as to thank and repay the teacher for his education and training.

In the communication with Brother Zhang Bingzhen, I felt that he admired and praised Mr. Su's noble character and true talent. Mr. Su has always been his idol, a model for learning, and a goal to catch up. He once told me that he was very willing to communicate with Mr. Su, was willing to listen to the teacher's teachings, listened to the teacher's talk about national and family affairs, talked about the true meaning of life, life perceptions, and especially loved to listen to the teacher's poetry, history, and allusions. The teacher talked endlessly, and the students listened to it and were intoxicated. He felt that it was a beautiful time of happiness and joy, and that every conversation and exchange was instructive and that he could learn something new, and that he was really rewarding.

A few years ago, Zhang Bingzhen was fortunate to get four poetry collections given by Mr. Su, which he cherished very much, read them attentively, and appreciated them carefully, and benefited a lot. He once told me that Mr. Su's classical poetry is a rare high-level literary masterpiece today. He also said that the teacher's painstaking poems contain high-spirited thoughts, full of hot passion, and quietly infect and move readers with unique poetic feelings. The teacher has a unique perspective on the observation of things, and has a profound exploration of the thinking and understanding of things and life, which inspires and guides people. He also once said that the teacher's poetry works have a wide range of themes and rich content, but they are all really derived from life, rooted in life, but higher than life. He commented that the teacher's poems are songs of righteousness, music of the times, high-pitched feelings, stirring words, lofty vision, and wonderful words, so that readers can naturally enjoy the beauty of the artistic conception, rhythm and style of the poems. Zhang Bingzhen said with emotion: Although Mr. Su wrote classical poems, using the rhythm and format of ancient poems, but if you read carefully, you will find that the teacher's works have a strong ideological appeal and artistic charm, and are the picture scroll of the new era, an ode to new life, full of positive energy, full of passion, heroic and delicate feelings of family and country, which makes people feel that the breeze is blowing, passionate and unrestrained, and beautiful. Mr. Su's poems are worthy of our good reading and appreciation, and they are also very worthy of being treasured and promoted!

Brother Zhang Bingzhen believes that Mr. Su Zhikuan is an outstanding educator who has been trained and gone out from the enthusiastic land of Botou, a high-level cultural scholar, and an extraordinary cultural celebrity in Botou in other places. With his unremitting struggle all his life, he has won honor for his hometown and glory for Botou with the brilliance created by his hard work and sweat. The classic poems and masterpieces created by the teacher in his later years were greeted by the people of Botou with high standards and were highly praised by everyone, which shows that the cultural circles of Botou have a high position and great feelings. Worthy of our praise! As a student of the teacher, what we need to do now is to carefully read the teacher's poetry works and deeply understand their poetic connotations, and on the other hand, spare no effort to publicize and promote the teacher's poetry works, so that the teacher's thoughts and spirit can be carried forward. This is not only respect and gratitude to the teacher, but also a feeling and comfort to the teacher. Zhang Bingzhen said: In reality, to learn the character of a teacher, carry forward the spirit of a teacher, and inherit the teacher's legacy is to love the party, the motherland, the cause, life, hometown, relatives and friends like a teacher. It is to be like a teacher, "life is endless, struggle endlessly", based on oneself, down-to-earth to be a useful person to the society.

In order to let Mr. Su's poetry collection be well transmitted and spread in his hometown of Botou, and add luster to the cultural construction of his hometown. On the basis of repeatedly reading Mr. Su's poetry works, Brother Zhang Bingzhen splashed ink passionately and used calligraphy to promote the teacher's poetry masterpieces. This is a commendable move! As far as I know, Zhang Bingzhen's infatuated love for calligraphy has a long history, and he goes hand in hand with grass and seals. I have read and admired his calligraphy works more than once, and I feel that his calligraphy art skills are profound and perfect. His regular script is neat and standardized, with a combination of rigidity and softness; His official silkworm head swallowtail, round and full; His writing is like mountains and flowing water, smooth and transparent; His cursive writing is majestic; His Wei Beifeng turned around, strong and powerful; His little seal is euphemistic and interesting. In particular, his "Maoti calligraphy" handwriting has reached a very high level. Years of study and practice have enabled him to have a deep attainment in the theory and practice of "Mao calligraphy", and he has quite a lot of experience. He once said: "Mao calligraphy" is known as the treasure of Chinese calligraphy art, not only enjoys a high reputation in China, but also is considered an important part of the world cultural heritage. It is characterized by its strong and depressed, strong and magnificent style, as well as the vigorous and vigorous cursive calligraphy, like a rainbow. These qualities made Mao Zedong's calligraphy an indispensable part of the history of Chinese calligraphy. Mao Zedong's calligraphy not only highlights the leader's personal artistic charm, but also reflects the magnificence, broad-mindedness and handsome demeanor of the great proletarian revolutionary. The unique brushwork and structure of "Maoti calligraphy", as well as its profound cultural heritage and strong artistic appeal, are beyond the reach of ordinary people. The characteristics of "Maoti calligraphy" with its free flow and power through the back of the paper make it a rare and breathtaking calligraphy art. There is reason to believe that "Maoti calligraphy" is not only a treasure of Chinese calligraphy art, but also a bright pearl in the world cultural heritage. With its unique artistic charm and cultural value, it has influenced countless calligraphy lovers and learners in later generations, and has become an important inheritor and developer of the Chinese calligraphy tradition. I know that Brother Zhang Bingzhen's interpretation and cognition of "Mao calligraphy" is unique and comprehensive. Here are just a few of them.

As far as I know, Brother Zhang Bingzhen is also a famous painter in painting. In painting, he is obsessed with innovation in inheritance, and forms his own style characteristics in innovation. His painting style is elegant and generous, combining fiction and reality, and appreciated by both elegance and vulgarity. His paintings are wonderful and have been recognized by experts, and his ink painting is famous. It is understood that Zhang Bingzhen's Chinese painting and fine brush painting style is unique, and the more you taste, the more you taste. Over the years, whether it is painting peonies, plums, autumn chrysanthemums, summer lotuses, orchids, green bamboos, pines and cypresses and other flowers and trees, or painting landscapes such as mountains, rivers or streams and waterfalls, they are all lifelike, poetic and smart, and endearing. His paintings of historical or modern figures are even more delicate and vivid, especially expressive, and his artistic skills are extraordinary. His paintings have participated in many national, provincial and municipal exhibitions, and won the first and second prizes, gold and silver medals. He won the gold medal in the "Century Chen National Calligraphy and Painting Competition" and the "Chinese Century Light National Calligraphy and Painting Competition" organized by the Ministry of Culture, and won the second prize in the second art exhibition of Hebei Province. His artistic achievements and calligraphy and painting works have been included in many canons or collections such as "Dictionary of World Outstanding Experts", "Cultural and Artistic Talent Information Database of the Ministry of Culture", "Botou City Chronicles" and so on. Brother Zhang Bingzhen is known as a "national treasure-level art master" in the mainland calligraphy and painting circles.

In terms of literary creation, Brother Zhang Bingzhen has also been working hard and forging ahead for many years, so he has a solid pen foundation and fruitful creative achievements. Over the years, he has published hundreds of literary works such as poetry, prose, and reportage in various newspapers and periodicals, some of which have won awards, and his reportage collection "Songs of Public Servants" edited by him has been published by Far Away Press. It is understood that many of Zhang Bingzhen's works have been published in China Review Monthly, and some have been reprinted in the media of Tsinghua University. In recent years, I have read some of the literary works of Brother Zhang Bingzhen, and I feel that his writing is comfortable, the writing is exquisite, and his works are rich and full of artistic appeal, which are favored and praised by readers. He is a member of the Hebei Writers Association.

Recently, Brother Zhang Bingzhen took advantage of the excitement to splash ink and wrote five poems such as "World Garden Tour", "Climbing Mount Tai Jade Emperor Peak", "National Gate Huabiao", "Essay on Pufu Temple" and "Mingsha Mountain, Crescent Spring" and other poems in five kinds of calligraphy styles, which appropriately integrate the beautiful artistic conception of the teacher's poetry with the student's calligraphy art, and complement each other and complement each other. Here, the calligraphy works of Brother Zhang Bingzhen who wrote the teacher's poems are promoted. I hope to bring you the enjoyment of reading poetry and appreciating the art of calligraphy.

Thank you for reading and appreciating!

Chang Guihai June 20, 2024 in Botou

Seven Laws of the World Garden

——The four main buildings of the Shenyang World Expo Park

Author: Su Zhikuan

The order of the year is happy to meet the howling jade dog,

Shengjing unveiled the Expo Park.

Lily Rises Optimus Prime,

The phoenix wings are proud of the sky.

Chinese and foreign ancient and modern victories,

Rose Garden Flower Pavilion two peach springs.

miniature landscape and cultural landscape,

All kinds of spirits are born in nature.

Documentary of Teacher Su Zhikuan's Poetry Collection Donation Activity and Promotion of Literary Works Series (No. 10)

Seven Laws: Climb the top of Mount Tai Jade Emperor

Author: Su Zhikuan

Tianzhu Peak is on the top of Daiyue,

The Jade Emperor's palace courtyard is locked with clouds and smoke.

Looking at the red sun and the sea in the east,

Looking west at the Yellow River, rolling plains.

The top stone prison welcomes thousands of guests,

Sealed Monument Ancient Transmission 1000 Years.

Lu You is at the top of Xingling,

Dare to laugh at the mountain and I am close to the sky.

Documentary of Teacher Su Zhikuan's Poetry Collection Donation Activity and Promotion of Literary Works Series (No. 10)

Seven Laws, National Gate Huabiao

Author: Su Zhikuan

Six hundred autumns by the Jinshui Bridge,

After the wind and rain, the city tower was guarded.

There is no joy in squatting in the open plate,

The cloud pillar dragon has hidden worries.

How many dramas are there in the court,


Now the prosperous world travels,

Rong took up the new job and the passenger flow.

Documentary of Teacher Su Zhikuan's Poetry Collection Donation Activity and Promotion of Literary Works Series (No. 10)

Essay on the Seven Laws of the Universal Salvation Temple

Author: Su Zhikuan

The thousand-year-old temple is known as Pucheng,

The prosperity of the world is restored.

Tuo Shi Yi Yuan Pai Temple,

The majestic and solemn decoration of the Zen Palace.

Luan dreams send concentric locks,

The faithful pray for good luck bells.

The pear courtyard is now away from the tears of hatred,

Ask the tower to have a toad.

Documentary of Teacher Su Zhikuan's Poetry Collection Donation Activity and Promotion of Literary Works Series (No. 10)

Seven Laws, Mingsha Mountain, Crescent Spring

Author: Su Zhikuan

Border Silk Road visit to Dunhuang,

The history of supernatural rumors is long.

Mingling is a waterfall in the wind and sand,

Tsukisen, Ei, Sun, Sui, and Hikari.

Looking up at the ancient shape of the building,

The side-eared bell camel is busy.

How many things are going on in the Gobi,

Knowing that the elderly are Populus euphratica.

Documentary of Teacher Su Zhikuan's Poetry Collection Donation Activity and Promotion of Literary Works Series (No. 10)
Documentary of Teacher Su Zhikuan's Poetry Collection Donation Activity and Promotion of Literary Works Series (No. 10)

This is the morning of April 7, 2024, Zhang Bingzhen at the "Mr. Su Zhikuan's Poetry Collection Donation Ceremony". On the left is Mr. Su Zhikuan's former colleague Qi Wenbin when he was a teacher at He Zhuangzi Middle School in Jiaohe County.

About author:Zhang Bingzhen, formerly known as Zhang Bingzhen, the word is true, and the number is Xiaoqian. He is a member of the Chinese Hard Pen Calligraphy Association, a member of the Hebei Calligraphers Association, a member of the Hebei Writers Association, a consultant of the Botou Calligraphers Association, an honorary academician and visiting professor of the Royal Academy of Arts, a member of the Chinese Mao Calligraphers Association, an executive director of the Hebei Mao Calligraphers Association, and the chairman of the representative office of the Botou Mao Calligraphy Association of Hebei Province. He used to be a special reporter of "China Calligraphy News", a special commentator of "China Review" monthly, and a senior researcher of the Institute of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masterpieces. He has participated in national, provincial and municipal calligraphy and painting exhibitions for many times, and won the first and second prizes or gold and silver medals, won the gold medal in the "Century Chen National Calligraphy and Painting Competition" and the "Chinese Century Light National Calligraphy and Painting Competition" organized by the Ministry of Culture, and won the second prize in the second art exhibition of Hebei Province. In 2002, he won the Special Award of the Mayor of Botou City. His artistic achievements and calligraphy and painting works have been included in more than 50 canons and collections such as "Dictionary of World Outstanding Experts", "Cultural and Artistic Talent Information Database of the Ministry of Culture", "Botou City Chronicle", etc., and hundreds of calligraphy works have been published in newspapers and periodicals such as "China Calligraphy News", "China Legal News" and "Hebei Daily". His excellent works have been exhibited at the National Art Museum of China and the National Museum of China, and some have been selected to be exhibited in Japan and Russia. His professional title and calligraphy and painting Runge were recognized as a national first-class artist by the Chinese Calligrapher and Painter Title and Runge Examination Committee, and the certificate was jointly issued by Qi Gong, Xu Bangda, Shen Peng, Jin Shangyi, etc. In addition, he has published many literary works in various newspapers and periodicals.

Documentary of Teacher Su Zhikuan's Poetry Collection Donation Activity and Promotion of Literary Works Series (No. 10)

Pictured: Su Zhikuan's four classic poetry collections, including "Maple Leaf Collection", "Juhua Collection", "Luhua Collection" and "Moss Collection", which were carefully created and compiled by Mr. Su Zhikuan in his later years

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