
"People's Daily" published a signed article by Luo Wen: Strengthen the source management of product quality and safety

author:Guizhou market supervision
"People's Daily" published a signed article by Luo Wen: Strengthen the source management of product quality and safety

  The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the quality and safety of industrial products, and General Secretary Xi Jinping has made important instructions and clear requirements many times. In May 2024, the State Council issued the Decision on Adjusting and Improving the Management Catalogue of Industrial Product Production Licenses to strengthen the access management of important industrial products and the governance at the source. Guarding the bottom line of industrial product quality and safety and ensuring the safety of people's lives and property is a political responsibility that the market supervision department must resolutely shoulder.

  The overall quality and safety of industrial products in mainland China is stable and improving

  Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, the quality and safety level of industrial products in mainland China has been significantly improved, the quality of a number of major technical equipment, major projects, important consumer goods, and high-tech products in emerging fields has reached the international advanced level, and the quality pass rate of various industrial products has continued to improve, which has strongly supported the high-quality development of the industry and the high-quality life of the people.

  The quality and safety of manufacturing products have been continuously strengthened. Manufacturing is the foundation of the country, the foundation of a strong country, and an important part of the real economy. In recent years, the quality of key industrial products in the mainland's manufacturing industry has been steadily improved, the quality and safety of basic industrial products have been significantly improved, technology-intensive industries such as computer, communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing, instrument and meter manufacturing have maintained strong quality competitiveness, and the standard level of industrial products has been continuously upgraded. In 2023, the qualified rate of product quality in the mainland's manufacturing industry will reach 93.7%, an increase of 5 percentage points compared with 2012, and the failure rate of cement and wire and cable spot checks will be reduced from 8.6% and 6.5% in 2019 to 2.4% and 1.7% respectively. The conversion rate of international standards in the field of construction machinery, chemical industry, ferroalloy and other equipment manufacturing fields has exceeded 90%, and the international competitiveness and recognition have been further improved.

  The quality and safety level of daily consumer goods continues to improve. Consumer goods are closely related to people's lives. In recent years, the overall quality level of daily consumer goods in mainland China has been comprehensively improved, and the product quality pass rate, consumer satisfaction of consumer goods, and the conversion rate of international standards for key consumer goods have been significantly improved. The failure rate of spot checks on electric bicycles and gas water heaters decreased by nearly 10 percentage points compared with 2019. Since the implementation of the compulsory certification system, the pass rate of children's toys has increased from less than 40% to 96%, and that of household appliances has increased from 76.7% to 90.7%. The customer satisfaction scores of 11 categories of durable consumer goods have maintained an upward trend for many years. The consistency between the standards of major consumer goods such as household appliances, textiles and garments and international standards has reached 96%, basically in line with international standards.

  The competitiveness of product quality and brand has been significantly enhanced. The brand reflects the level of product quality and safety, and is an important embodiment of the comprehensive competitiveness of the enterprise and even the country. In recent years, positive progress has been made in quality brand building, a number of well-known enterprises and well-known brands with strong competitiveness have emerged, and China's brand awareness, reputation and influence have been continuously improved. In 2024, the number of Chinese brands selected as the world's top 500 brands will increase from 40 in 2019 to 73, including 21 manufacturing brands, and the market competitiveness and international influence of "Made in China" and "China Quality" have been greatly improved.

  The product quality and safety management system is more perfect. In recent years, the quality and safety laws and regulations of mainland China have been gradually improved, and the product quality and safety risk monitoring mechanism, product injury monitoring system, and defective product recall management mechanism have been continuously improved. The quality and safety supervision system has been continuously optimized, and the production license management of 27 kinds of industrial products in 14 categories has been implemented, and the mandatory certification management has been implemented for 100 kinds of products in 16 categories. Among the 44,000 national standards, industrial product-related standards account for more than 70%, basically realizing that there are standards for industrial production and quality supervision. A total of 877 national quality inspection centers have been built, and the number of inspection and testing institutions has exceeded 52,000, and the technical support force has been effectively strengthened.

  While the overall safety situation is improving, it should also be noted that the quality and safety situation of industrial products on the mainland is still complex and severe, and there are still some shortcomings and weak links in some industries. To a large extent, the quality and safety risks of industrial products in mainland China are caused by the source and transmitted from the upstream, and the pass must be moved forward and exerted in order to plug the loopholes and cure both the symptoms and the root causes.

  Pay close attention to the quality and safety supervision of industrial products

  The market supervision department will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on market supervision, conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, adhere to safety first and prevention first, adhere to problem-oriented and source governance, pay close attention to the quality and safety supervision of industrial products, and effectively protect the safety of people's lives and property.

  Tighten and consolidate the main responsibility of the enterprise. Urge enterprises to conscientiously implement the "Regulations on the Supervision and Management of the Implementation of the Main Responsibility for Quality and Safety by Industrial Product Production Units" and the "Regulations on the Supervision and Management of the Implementation of the Main Responsibility for Quality and Safety by Industrial Product Sales Units" issued by the State Administration for Market Supervision, and urge enterprises to be equipped with quality and safety directors and safety officers, promote and improve the responsibility implementation mechanism for the end of the force, and effectively transfer the responsibility to the key personnel of enterprise quality management. Urge enterprises to strengthen the control of key risk points, formulate and improve the product quality and safety risk control list, and implement the system of "daily control, weekly inspection, and monthly scheduling". Make good use of the "three books and one letter" (listing supervision notice, interview notice, rectification notice, reminder and urging letter) to supervise the implementation mechanism and ensure that all measures are implemented in place. Strengthen the recall management of defective products and the traceability of key product quality and safety, improve the ability to assess the safety defects of new products and technologies, and accelerate the traceability of the whole chain of product quality and safety information such as gas appliances. Improve the rules for online platform transactions, research and formulate regulations on the supervision and management of the main responsibility for quality and safety by platform enterprises, and clarify the responsibilities of all parties involved in online sales of products.

  Strict product access management. For the recent implementation of industrial product production license management of cold-rolled ribbed steel bars, bottled liquefied petroleum gas pressure regulators, wire ropes, plywood, blockboards, safety helmets and other 6 products, pay close attention to the formulation of licensing implementation rules, strict examination and approval management. Continue to do a good job in product quality and safety risk assessment, and promptly include high-risk varieties related to the safety of people's lives and property and public safety into the management of production licenses. Strict compulsory product certification management, the key products with high consumer concern, concentrated problem reflection and large safety impact are included in the compulsory certification catalog, and the spot check of certified products is increased to prevent products that do not meet the requirements from entering the market from the source. Scientifically and dynamically adjust the catalogue of product quality and safety supervision of key industries, determine regulatory measures and frequency of supervision according to product risk status, and improve the effectiveness of targeted supervision.

  Strengthen the binding role of mandatory standards. Improve and improve the mandatory national standard system, include key high-risk industrial products in the management of mandatory national standards, and transform products such as wire ropes, steel bars, and explosion-proof electrical equipment from recommended national standards to mandatory national standards, so as to further improve the coverage and authority of mandatory national standards. Implement the public safety standardization foundation project, speed up the formulation and revision of mandatory standards in the field of urban gas, hazardous chemicals, fireworks, personal protective equipment and other safety fields, establish a mechanism for the rapid transformation and release of public safety standards in emergency situations, and focus on improving the safety and quality standards of products suitable for the elderly and the young. Establish an all-round and wide-coverage standard implementation supervision system, build a national standard implementation monitoring network, promote the strict implementation of the recently released mandatory national standards such as lithium-ion batteries for electric bicycles, and carry out certification and accreditation, inspection and testing in strict accordance with the standards.

  Crack down on counterfeit and shoddy products in accordance with the law. Intensify law enforcement, focus on key product production and sales gathering areas, safety problem-prone areas, and weak safety supervision areas, as well as production and sales units with many consumer complaints and concentrated public opinion reflections, strengthen targeted law enforcement inspections, and severely crack down on violations of laws and regulations. Improve the efficiency of law enforcement, promote rule of law supervision, credit supervision, and smart supervision in an integrated manner, strengthen the construction of grassroots market regulation and law enforcement capacity, iteratively upgrade law enforcement equipment, and strengthen systematic training for law enforcement personnel. Strictly standardize the management of inspection and testing institutions, improve the quality of inspection work and the level of technical control, and resolutely investigate and deal with illegal acts such as falsification of test reports. Intensify the supervision of the quality and safety of key online sales products, expand the coverage and frequency of supervision and spot checks, make good use of public exposure, offline traceability and other disposal methods, and focus on cleaning up and rectifying outstanding problems such as online sales of "three nos" products, so that the people can buy and use them with peace of mind.

  Author: Luo Wen, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the State Administration for Market Regulation

Source: People's Daily

Editor: Guan Chao

Reviewer: Pu Rui

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