
Old Fox! The list of world women's volleyball coaches, how many new Chinese women's volleyball coaches can rank?

The Chinese women's volleyball coach is still brewing, and the Internet is rumored to be Cai Bin, but since it has not yet been officially announced, we will not join this hilarity. Let's take a look at the list of world women's volleyball coaches, and guess how many new coaches of the Chinese women's volleyball team can rank in the future?

Old Fox! The list of world women's volleyball coaches, how many new Chinese women's volleyball coaches can rank?

The U.S. women's volleyball team is an old rival of the Chinese women's volleyball team, Kirari is also Lang Ping's "old friend", Kirari, who won the championship in Tokyo, did not "see the good and take it", but continued to lead the American women's volleyball team to the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, and the Internet once rumored that Killari vowed to win all the championships in the Paris Olympic cycle. After Lang Ping left office, to some extent: the American women's volleyball team and Kirari are possible!

Old Fox! The list of world women's volleyball coaches, how many new Chinese women's volleyball coaches can rank?

Let's be honest: the Brazilian women's volleyball team won the silver medal in Tokyo, which really picked up a big bargain! When most people think that Guimarães can finally "end the curtain" decently, this "ashes-level" women's volleyball coach has chosen to stay, in terms of overall strength, as well as the reserves of reserve players, the Brazilian women's volleyball team does not have much advantage to speak of, it seems that Guimarães wants to "win the lottery" again, right?

Old Fox! The list of world women's volleyball coaches, how many new Chinese women's volleyball coaches can rank?

Goodti: Zhu Ting's mentor, Lang Ping's "apprentice" + friend, in recent years, the Turkish women's volleyball team "tuning" is quite good! "Little 18" Güneş has become the world's top women's volleyball team vice attack, in addition to Yuan Xinyue, it is estimated that it is difficult to have a right. Goodtti's ability to train players is too strong, see how many players Waqif have become first-class players under his cultivation! When the key person Gudeti achieved results, the protection of the players was also quite in place, which was not satisfied!

Old Fox! The list of world women's volleyball coaches, how many new Chinese women's volleyball coaches can rank?

The Italian women's volleyball team with Egnu has not achieved too many brilliant results in the World Women's Volleyball Competition, Mazanti is still a bit "tender"; after the farewell of "Nine Sisters", the Japanese women's volleyball team once again invited the real pot zhengyi, the future of the Japanese women's volleyball team is full of imagination, and the strongest opponent of the Chinese women's volleyball team in Asia is the Japanese women's volleyball team! In any case, fans will not accept that the Chinese women's volleyball team lost to the Japanese women's volleyball team! Therefore, after the return of the real pot masayoshi, the Japanese women's volleyball team should not be underestimated!

Old Fox! The list of world women's volleyball coaches, how many new Chinese women's volleyball coaches can rank?

In the face of this group of "old foxes", fans believe that unless Lang Ping, Chen Zhonghe and once again go out of the mountains, otherwise, the Chinese women's volleyball team has no drama! The problem is that Lang Ping, Chen Zhonghe and will not go out of the mountain! If Cai Bin really becomes the manager of the Chinese women's volleyball team, how many do you think he can rank in front of this group of "old foxes"?

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