
An experienced Chinese teacher said frankly that children with poor language and math foundation can improve their final grades by 30 points as long as they thoroughly eat these 18 pictures and memorize them!

author:Comfortable Alpine R7F

An experienced Chinese teacher said frankly that children with poor language and mathematics foundation can improve their final grades by 30 points as long as they thoroughly eat these 18 pictures and memorize them! After reading them, I really have to say that the knowledge points are really practical, both basic and improved, if the children can master it well before the winter vacation, the final grades will not be bad!

According to the teacher, these 18 pictures cover the basic knowledge of Chinese, mathematics, and English, including pinyin, Chinese characters, vocabulary, grammar, mathematical concepts, and English words. These knowledge points are all necessary for children to master in the process of learning Xi, and by mastering these knowledge points, they can better understand the subject knowledge and improve their academic Xi performance.

So, how to help children master these knowledge points? The teacher suggests that parents can combine the following basic knowledge to let their children improve the foundation of primary school language, mathematics and English.

First of all, parents can let their children read and write more. Philology Xi requires more reading and more writing, and improving children's language expression skills through reading and writing. Mathematics Xi need to do more problems and consolidate mathematical knowledge through Xi practice. English, on the other hand, requires more listening and speaking, and improves English proficiency through listening and speaking Xi.

Secondly, parents can provide their children with some Xi materials. For example, Chinese can provide some reading materials for children to read more good articles, mathematics can provide some Xi practice books for children to do more problems, and English can provide some listening materials for children to listen to more English conversations.

Finally, parents can give their children some Xi guidance. For example, tell children which knowledge points are key and difficult and need to be mastered, which knowledge points are easy to make mistakes and easy to confuse and need special attention, and which knowledge points are often tested and need to be practiced Xi repeatedly.

Let's give you an example. For example, in math Xi, children need to master the basic rules of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Parents can provide their children with some Xi practice books, so that they can do more addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems, and consolidate their mathematical knowledge by practicing Xi. At the same time, parents can also give their children some Xi guidance, such as telling them what they need to pay attention to when calculating addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and how to avoid mistakes.

Let's take another example. For example, in English Xi, children need to master some common English words and phrases. Parents can provide their children with some listening materials, let them listen to more English conversations, and improve their English through listening and speaking Xi. At the same time, parents can also give their children some guidance on learning Xi, such as telling them which words and phrases are commonly used and important and need to be mastered, and which words and phrases are confusing and easy to make mistakes and need special attention.

In short, to help children improve their Xi performance, parents need to give their children enough guidance and support. By providing Xi materials and guidance to Xi, we help children master subject knowledge and improve their academic Xi performance. At the same time, parents also need to pay attention to their children's Xi state and emotional changes, and give timely encouragement and support. Only in this way can children continue to progress and grow in their school Xi!

An experienced Chinese teacher said frankly that children with poor language and math foundation can improve their final grades by 30 points as long as they thoroughly eat these 18 pictures and memorize them!
An experienced Chinese teacher said frankly that children with poor language and math foundation can improve their final grades by 30 points as long as they thoroughly eat these 18 pictures and memorize them!
An experienced Chinese teacher said frankly that children with poor language and math foundation can improve their final grades by 30 points as long as they thoroughly eat these 18 pictures and memorize them!
An experienced Chinese teacher said frankly that children with poor language and math foundation can improve their final grades by 30 points as long as they thoroughly eat these 18 pictures and memorize them!
An experienced Chinese teacher said frankly that children with poor language and math foundation can improve their final grades by 30 points as long as they thoroughly eat these 18 pictures and memorize them!
An experienced Chinese teacher said frankly that children with poor language and math foundation can improve their final grades by 30 points as long as they thoroughly eat these 18 pictures and memorize them!
An experienced Chinese teacher said frankly that children with poor language and math foundation can improve their final grades by 30 points as long as they thoroughly eat these 18 pictures and memorize them!
An experienced Chinese teacher said frankly that children with poor language and math foundation can improve their final grades by 30 points as long as they thoroughly eat these 18 pictures and memorize them!
An experienced Chinese teacher said frankly that children with poor language and math foundation can improve their final grades by 30 points as long as they thoroughly eat these 18 pictures and memorize them!
An experienced Chinese teacher said frankly that children with poor language and math foundation can improve their final grades by 30 points as long as they thoroughly eat these 18 pictures and memorize them!
An experienced Chinese teacher said frankly that children with poor language and math foundation can improve their final grades by 30 points as long as they thoroughly eat these 18 pictures and memorize them!
An experienced Chinese teacher said frankly that children with poor language and math foundation can improve their final grades by 30 points as long as they thoroughly eat these 18 pictures and memorize them!
An experienced Chinese teacher said frankly that children with poor language and math foundation can improve their final grades by 30 points as long as they thoroughly eat these 18 pictures and memorize them!
An experienced Chinese teacher said frankly that children with poor language and math foundation can improve their final grades by 30 points as long as they thoroughly eat these 18 pictures and memorize them!
An experienced Chinese teacher said frankly that children with poor language and math foundation can improve their final grades by 30 points as long as they thoroughly eat these 18 pictures and memorize them!

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