
It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?


Palestine, once known as the "Holy Land", is now a purgatory on earth. Every explosion, every ruin, is a silent recount of despair and pain here.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

Did you know that everything here is being watched by the world? Those great powers, who talk about peace and justice, talk about peace and justice, but they are nothing in action, turning a blind eye and not hearing a deaf ear.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

Against this backdrop, what are the Palestinians doing wrong, and why is their suffering unattended? Every silence is a silent endorsement of their pain. And how did all this get to this point?

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

Historical background and the origins of the conflict

After the end of the Second World War, Jews poured into the land in droves like pawns crossing a river. The Jewish refugees, who had lost everything in the war, longed to find a place to live in this land.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

In the face of these sudden strangers, the hearts of the Arabs who had lived for hundreds of years were on fire and dissatisfied. The differences between the two sides on religious beliefs and historical views are like chickens and ducks, and no one can convince anyone.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

Jews firmly believe that this is the promised land of their ancestors, while Arabs see it as their ancestral homeland. The hatred between them snowballed.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

In May 1948, Israel declared its independence, and the Jews rejoiced and the Arabs were furious. The Arab countries have launched a "war for the liberation of Palestine" in an attempt to wipe Israel off the map.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

The ideal is very full, the reality is very skinny, and the result of the war is the victory of Israel, and the Palestinians have since lost the land on which they depend. Palestinians who have been forced to leave their homes have been displaced and have to take temporary refuge in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

Combined, these two places are only 22% of Israel's land. To make matters worse, Israel continues to expand its settlements in these areas, encroaching on Palestinian land like leeks.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

Today, more than 600,000 Israelis live in these settlements, and the contradictions are deepening.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

Armed conflict is almost inevitable. In the Gaza Strip in particular, clashes between the local armed forces and the Israeli army have flare-and-cat-and-mouse flares.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

It's a powder keg that could explode at any moment. Palestinians feel incomparably helpless and angry. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't seem to escape the fate of being beaten passively. And why does the international community sit idly by and ignore it?

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

The current situation and the continuation of the conflict

Far from improving, the situation in Palestine has become more difficult. Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank have sprung up like mushrooms, and the land that once belonged to the Palestinians has been encroached upon inch by inch.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

For the Palestinians, this is tantamount to a drain from the bottom of the kettle, and their homes are being eroded away step by step. The expansion of these settlements has made tensions between the two sides even more tense.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

The Israelis see this as a reclaim of their ancestral land, while the Palestinians feel that their homeland is being gradually encroached upon. As friction escalates, patience with each other has long since worn out.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

The Gaza Strip has become a veritable powder keg. Clashes between the guerrillas and the Israeli army were frequent. The Israeli army's military operations were relentless, and the Palestinian guerrillas were not to be outdone, and the fighting continued to escalate and the fighting intensified.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

In the face of Israel's formidable military might, the Palestinians are like eggs hitting stones, and they are losing ground one after another. Their homes were in ruins under fire, and their lives were shattered by the fighting. Countless people have been displaced, children are looking for a chance to survive in the rubble, and adults are fighting in despair.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

The entire Gaza Strip has become a vast refugee camp, full of pain and despair. The international community has remained alarmingly silent about the tragic situation in Palestine. Governments pay good words, but in action they are thundering and raining, and there is no substantial assistance.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

The Palestinians are struggling in the flames of war, while the great powers are blind and blind. Why hasn't any country really stood up for Palestinian rights and interests?

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

The reaction and silence of the international community

The plight of Palestine is day after day, but the response of the international community has been a drop in the bucket and an understatement. Many major powers have chosen to turn a deaf ear to the tragic situation in Palestine.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

While some countries have paid lip service to the Palestinians, their actions have been sporadic and have provided little substantive assistance. The answer isn't complicated. The so-called "Yalta system" is an invisible hand behind the scenes.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

After World War II, Western countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom pursued a series of strategic layouts in the Middle East in order to ensure their lasting influence.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

Despite its scarce resources, Palestine is geographically important as a bridge between Asia and Africa. In the process of rebuilding the post-war order, the silent support of Britain and the United States and other countries for Israel is actually to ensure the continuation of their own interests in the Middle East.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

It is an open secret that the Western powers support Israel, which talks about peace and human rights while turning a blind eye to the suffering of Palestine. For them, Israel is an indispensable pawn, and Palestine is a dispensable backdrop.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

The attitude of other countries in the Middle East is also chilling. These countries have expressed sympathy and support for Palestine, but they also have their own little ninety-nines. For example, Saudi Arabia and other countries do not want to offend Israel and the United States because of the Palestinian issue, thereby harming their own interests.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

Their support is more rhetorical than actual. International organizations such as the United Nations and the European Union have repeatedly called for peace and mediation, but these calls are often empty and ineffective.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

Practical actions are scarce, and mediation efforts are mostly a drop in the bucket and cannot really solve the problem. Palestinians are angry and desperate. Why is the whole world sitting on the sidelines? How long will this apathy and indifference last?

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?
It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

The plight of Palestine and its voices

The life of the Palestinians has been nothing short of miserable. Their homes are constantly being occupied, their homes are in ruins under fire, and their lives are shattered by the fighting.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

Countless people have been displaced, children are struggling to survive in the rubble, and adults are struggling in despair. The Gaza Strip has become a vast refugee camp, full of misery and despair.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

Palestinians who have lost their homes feel helplessness and anger all the time. In the face of Israel's formidable military power, they were like eggs hitting stones, and they were defeated one after another. Those once beautiful homes are now in ruins, and dreams are shattered.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

Palestinians living in such dire straits cannot help but ask hoarsely: Why is the whole world standing idly by? What exactly are we doing wrong? These questions are like a sharp sword, piercing the hearts of countless people.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

The response of the international community has been like a drop in the bucket. The big powers pay lip service to the sky, but their actual actions are sporadic and hardly any substantive assistance.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

The Palestinians are struggling in the flames of war, while the international community is blind, turning a blind eye and not listening.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

Palestinians yearn for peace and homeland, but the road seems to be far away. Every conflict, every explosion, is a merciless destruction of their psyche. Their voices have been ignored again and again, and their dreams have been shattered again and again.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

How long will they survive in this war-torn land? Will the international community really hear their cries and lend a helping hand one day?

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?
It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

Challenges and hopes for solving problems

Resolving the Palestinian issue is like untying a thousand-year knot, and the difficulty can be imagined. The contradictions between the two sides have been deep, and the hatred for each other has become bigger and bigger like a snowball.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

Mediators are confronted with towering obstacles, and finding a solution that best of both worlds is harder than it is to reach the sky.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

Differences in positions on the Middle East also complicate matters. Although the United Nations and the European Union have repeatedly called for peace and mediation, most of these calls are like empty voices and are difficult to achieve.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

There is very little actual action, and mediation efforts are mostly scratched through the boot, and there is no real solution to the problem.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

Still, we can't give up hope altogether. After all, the end of any conflict begins with dialogue and negotiation. Seeking common ground while reserving differences through diplomatic means is a practical way to mitigate the situation.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

If we can get rid of prejudice and mustard, correct the attitude of negotiation and rational communication based on the premise of common interests, then we can hopefully find a win-win road. Of course, this is not something that can be achieved overnight, and it requires a joint effort on a global scale.

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

The Palestinians are experiencing the worst suffering in human history, and the indifference of the international community is chilling. Achieving peace in this war-torn land requires a global effort. So, will the international community really heed the Palestinian voice and lend a helping hand to help them rebuild their homeland?

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?


The plight of Palestine reminds us that world peace still needs to be worked for. In the face of a war-torn land, we can no longer stand idly by. Every life deserves to be respected, and every nation deserves peace and prosperity.

The spirit of humanitarianism should permeate every decision we make, and justice and peace require everyone's support and action. Let us join hands and lend a helping hand, bring hope to the Palestinian people and contribute to world peace.

It is believed that with the joint efforts of the whole world, the sunshine of peace will eventually dispel the haze of war, and mankind will usher in a better future.


Global Network "Foreign Media: Hundreds of Palestinians Rally in the West Bank, Chanting "Liberation Gaza"

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

The Paper's "Middle East Commentary|The Great Power Roots of the Palestine Tragedy (2): "No War, No Peace" and "War to Force Peace"

It's almost gone, why doesn't the whole world help? Why is there no state military aid to Palestine?

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