
Maximum death penalty! The state announced the sentencing standards for punishing Taiwan independence crimes, and Xiao Cai Lao Lai trembled

author:Xingtan Golden Language

In order to deter and punish Taiwan independence elements, our country promulgated the "Anti-Secession Law" a few years ago, which has played an important role in safeguarding the reunification of the motherland. However, there are shortcomings in this law, and there is no specific sentencing standard. Now it's okay, this shortcoming has been made up, and the sentencing standards are out!

Maximum death penalty! The state announced the sentencing standards for punishing Taiwan independence crimes, and Xiao Cai Lao Lai trembled

Recently, several important departments of the state, including the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Court, have jointly formulated the "Opinions on Punishing the Crimes of Separatism and Inciting Separatism by 'Taiwan Independence' Diehards in Accordance with Law," which clearly define the criteria for determining the crime and sentencing the crime of Taiwan independence, which is very detailed, very clear, and has strong practical operability.

In other words, punishing the crime of Taiwan independence is not just lip service, but that criminals can be arrested and sentenced according to law, and the maximum penalty can be the death penalty! All relevant departments have the responsibility to severely punish "Taiwan independence" diehards for separatism and inciting separatism in accordance with the law, and resolutely defend national sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity.

Maximum death penalty! The state announced the sentencing standards for punishing Taiwan independence crimes, and Xiao Cai Lao Lai trembled

The following points in the "Opinions" are particularly noteworthy:

First, those who attempt to change Taiwan's legal status as a part of China through a "referendum" are guilty of Taiwan independence.

In recent years, the theory of "voting" has been very loud, and the promulgation of this "Opinion" has dealt a timely blow to this kind of theory, and it is absolutely not allowed to use Taiwanese people to decide Taiwan's belonging on behalf of all Chinese.

Second, abusing one's authority to wantonly distort and tamper with the fact that Taiwan is a part of China in the fields of education, culture, history, and the news media is also a crime of Taiwan independence.

This is a warning and deterrent to some people in Taiwan's educational news and cultural circles, and now it is very cool to talk nonsense and make up nonsense, and when the list is cleared, not a single one can escape.

Third, the definition of "ringleader" and "serious crime" is made. Those who "play the role of organizing, planning, and directing" are "ringleaders," and participating in separatist activities, playing an important role, and causing serious consequences are "serious crimes." All of this is punishable severely.

In addition, there is a category of "active participation".

Fourth, the ringleader or the person who commits a major crime shall be sentenced to life imprisonment or fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years, and the death penalty may be imposed if the harm to the country and the people is particularly serious and the circumstances are particularly heinous!

Fifth, those who fund Taiwan independence will be dealt with together.

Maximum death penalty! The state announced the sentencing standards for punishing Taiwan independence crimes, and Xiao Cai Lao Lai trembled

There is only one China in the world, that is, the People's Republic of China, and Taiwan is the sacred territory of the People's Republic of China and an inalienable part. Peaceful reunification is the best choice for Taiwan, otherwise it will be the continuation of the war of liberation.

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