
Li Xueqin's history at Peking University was questioned, and her alma mater was investigated for sports bonus points and fraud

author:Tianya Community
Li Xueqin's history at Peking University was questioned, and her alma mater was investigated for sports bonus points and fraud

A few days ago, entertainment star Li Xueqin revealed in an interview that "she can't swim", and some netizens broke the news that she was a second-level swimming athlete in 2013 and obtained the admission qualification of Peking University's independent enrollment with 20 points, which caused heated discussions.

On June 26, a classmate of Li Xueqin's Peking University @ Thin Mud, and Da Pu Crawl posted an admission transcript to speak for her, saying that the 20 points in Li Xueqin's college entrance examination score for the independent entrance examination have nothing to do with sports expertise. @稀泥巴和达扑爬称, Li Xueqin's college entrance examination score consists of two parts, one is the college entrance examination score of 633 points, and the other is the additional score (20 points) in the independent enrollment examination of Peking University. ”

Li Xueqin's history at Peking University was questioned, and her alma mater was investigated for sports bonus points and fraud

In addition, some people questioned whether Li Xueqin really has a second-level swimmer certificate. A Liaoning candidate who claimed to be a college entrance examination in the same year said that Li Xueqin's qualification as a second-level swimming athlete was true.

On the evening of June 26, @李雪琴后援会 official blog also posted an article emphasizing that Li Xueqin did not have sports bonus points in her admission results. It is worth mentioning that some netizens explained that Li Xueqin had posted about swimming before, and what she said about "not being able to swim" in the show this time actually meant diving.

Shangguan News reporter inquired and found that in July 2014, Beijing Morning Post published an article "College Entrance Examination Sports Bonus Points "God School" Involved in Fraud Investigation", in which Liaoning Benxi Senior High School is Li Xueqin's alma mater. According to the article, there were 1,072 excellent students in Liaoning that year, of which 87 were in a middle school of Benxi Senior High School, which was known as a "god school" for sports points. Anshan No. 1 Middle School, Liaohe Oilfield Senior High School and other schools also have more than 40 excellent students in the college entrance examination who have received extra points. Benxi Senior High School has almost won the first place in the liberal arts and sciences in Liaoning Province in recent years (at the time of writing), and the pass rate of one book is also more than 95%. At this high school, the top 100 students in the class of 2014 were divided into two Aojia classes, the 101st to 240th class were divided into two Aojia classes, and the other classes were called Class A. The reporter learned that there are 40 people in one of the Olympic classes, and 22 people have sports bonus points.

Netizens have something to say

Netizens said: Why didn't Wang Yan's son question it?

Netizens said: Pull it out without background and rub it hard, I look at the watch, Li Xueqin has no problem in getting in, it's just that she got a fake sports certificate, and in the end, others are useless, so you can't hit her!!

Netizens said: Inexplicable, questioning comes and goes, the system was not sound in that era, the atmosphere was too bad, and all kinds of examination certificates were not all obtained by going through the motions.

Netizens said: Many people don't know that the admission rules of colleges and universities should be based on the ranking of the province, rather than just looking at the scores. And Li Xueqin's college entrance examination was 11 years ago. At that time, we in Liaoning were still the main science and gavin comprehensive. More than ten years have passed, how many rounds of college entrance examination reform have been? Different provinces, different regions, different years, and different test paper standards are different, how can today's scores be used to measure things from more than ten years ago? Moreover, if there is a problem with people's scores, there must be a basis for questioning. If there is no basis for questioning, it is groundless to say that other people's college entrance examination results are fraudulent, that is defamation, and people also have the right to pursue legal responsibility. There is nothing wrong with questioning the right of citizens, but there must be a basis.

Netizens said: What are you doing with celebrity children, celebrity children go to art schools at most, and the children of real bigwigs only enter the Beiqing Dynasty, most of those special recruits are prepared for privileges, fake certificates are shameful, please answer directly how did the certificate come from?

The country's first undergraduate major in funeral occupation, it's coming!

A few days ago, the Ministry of Education issued the "Letter on Agreeing to Establish a Civil Affairs Vocational University", which clearly agreed to establish a civil affairs vocational university on the basis of Beijing Vocational College of Social Management. Civil Affairs Vocational University is the only undergraduate-level institution of higher learning directly under the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and the first undergraduate institution of higher learning in the field of civil affairs in mainland China.

Recently, the Civil Affairs Vocational University issued the "Application Guide (2024)" to the society, clarifying that there are five vocational undergraduate majors, including smart health care management, social work, rehabilitation assistive device technology, modern funeral management, and marriage service and management, and a total of 500 students will be recruited from 26 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) this year.

"The school will give birth to the country's first funeral vocational undergraduate major and the country's first marriage vocational undergraduate major." The person in charge of the relevant department of the school told reporters that the modern funeral management major is oriented to the fields of funeral service management, funeral culture research, funeral equipment and product research and development, body plastic surgery and embalming, body cremation and funeral equipment maintenance, etc., and cultivates high-level innovative talents who can be engaged in funeral management, funeral research, funeral training, life culture communication and high-end funeral services. Students are awarded a bachelor's degree in management after graduation, and 120 students are enrolled this year.

According to reports, this major focuses on the forefront of the development of the marriage industry, disseminates excellent marriage and family culture, promotes the reform of marriage customs, and cultivates high-level innovative talents with profound cultural heritage and multicultural vision, professional subject knowledge and research ability, mastering marriage registration management, marriage and family counseling, high-end wedding project planning, marriage matchmaking and marriage product design and development, etc., and can be engaged in marriage and family full-cycle service work. Students graduate with a bachelor's degree in management, and this year 70 students are enrolled.

It is understood that the predecessor of the Civil Affairs Vocational University was the Civil Affairs Cadre School of the Ministry of the Interior, which was established in 1959 and has gone through more than 60 years of school-running history of the Management Cadre College of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Beijing Vocational College of Social Management, and has cultivated and delivered more than 300,000 technical and skilled talents and civil affairs cadres for the civil affairs system, and has identified nearly 200,000 unique types of talents in the civil affairs industry, which is known as the "cradle of civil affairs talents".

It is reported that in the future, the Civil Affairs Vocational University will undertake important functions such as cultivating high-level technical and skilled talents for the civil affairs system, carrying out civil affairs cadre training, continuing education of skilled talents, identification of civil affairs vocational skill levels, theoretical research on civil affairs policies, and formulation of national vocational skills standards in the field of civil affairs. (Source: China Youth Daily)

Li Xueqin's history at Peking University was questioned, and her alma mater was investigated for sports bonus points and fraud

Netizens have something to say

Netizens said: A good niche major, compared with a bunch of popular majors, the future development and employment of niche majors may be able to find another way.

Netizens said: Funeral is a sunrise industry, marriage belongs to the sunset, after all, not everyone will get married, but everyone will.

Netizens said: Very good, deal with aging.

Netizens said: This is a great profession, there is no need to discriminate and be afraid! This year, there is a TV series Spring Sending Lover, which talks about the profession of body plastic surgeon, as well as the question of death! Born as a human being, you can only mourn!

Netizens said: This is a bit of a targeted training, it would be better if it could be assigned, if it was not assigned, it would be a bit troublesome to find a job!

Netizens said: Good guy, if your relatives ask, you won't be scared to death...

A shares are suspected of reappearing in the pig killing plate

Today (June 27), the share price of Baibang Technology moved sharply, and it dived in a straight line at 10:58, and only 6 minutes later, the 20cm sealing board fell to the limit, although it was then repaired by shocks, but it still went down and fell to the limit.

Affected by the "high platform diving" market, it also reversed downward, spit out all the gains of nearly 17% yesterday. Approaching today's noon, some investors posted a number of chat records on social networks, which recorded that a number of stock group "teachers" recommended stocks to Baibang Technology, shouting for group friends to buy.

It is worth noting that most of these vote pushing points are concentrated at around 10:55, which is exactly three minutes before the flash crash of Baibang Technology. Judging from the relevant stock exchange forums of Baibang Technology, some shareholders were recruited because of this, and suffered losses by mistakenly entering or directly buying at the highest point in the stock pulling stage, and some shareholders were lucky because they did not enter the market because they bought slowly. (Finance Associated Press)

Netizens have something to say

Netizens said: I can't discredit our A shares, because it's already dark!

Netizens said: There is no accident, is the whole A a pig killing plate?????? Anyway, I don't have the money and can't afford it, so the person who buys it should be careful......

Netizens said: A shares are themselves, 90% of stocks are falling every day. Warren Buffett is estimated to become an elder of the beggar gang in 3 months!

Netizens said: Green onions, broccoli, coriander, celery, spinach, the results are the same.

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