
#176 Dawn of the Birkenau concentration camp On Tuesday, March 6, 1979, The Image Archive aired the latter episode of the American television series Holocaust

author:History says so

#Guan Zhi Recommended Book Desk # No. 176 "Dawn of the Birkenau Concentration Camp"

On Tuesday, March 6, 1979, The Image Archive aired the latter episode of the American television series Holocaust.

The theme of that issue was "Life and Death in Nazi Concentration Camps." The film tells the tragic story of the Weiss family, a Long-Naturalized German Jewish family.

The father of the family, a general practitioner in Berlin, and a mother, a housewife, have three children: Karl, Rudy and Anna.

To survive, he first joined the guerrillas and later fled to Palestine.

The venue for the debate was a round table of unknown Holocaust survivors, including the CommunistSR Marie-Claude Wayan-Qutilier and Simone Wey.

In order to record the show, several young people in the show went to Auschwitz. They were representatives of the young french, the older of whom was thirty-five years old. ......

Dawn at Birkenau is told from the perspective of Auschwitz survivors, leaving behind precious historical memories.

When Wey talks about his encounters, struggles and efforts, it seems to be light and breezy, but it contains a deep and superb power. #观止读书会 #

Dawn of the Birkenau concentration camp

#176 Dawn of the Birkenau concentration camp On Tuesday, March 6, 1979, The Image Archive aired the latter episode of the American television series Holocaust
#176 Dawn of the Birkenau concentration camp On Tuesday, March 6, 1979, The Image Archive aired the latter episode of the American television series Holocaust
#176 Dawn of the Birkenau concentration camp On Tuesday, March 6, 1979, The Image Archive aired the latter episode of the American television series Holocaust

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