
Why did the ancients like to wear hats? What is the difference between these hats, and is there a fixed occasion? In modern daily life, there are all kinds of hats, peaked caps, knitted hats, etc., which are useful

author:On Yun Xuan

Why did the ancients like to wear hats? What is the difference between these hats, and is there a fixed occasion?

In modern daily life, there are all kinds of hats, peaked caps, knitted hats, etc., some are used to shade the sun, some are used to keep out the cold, and people usually think of wearing them when they need them.

Or some young people like to use hats to match their clothes, and at this time, hats have become a fashion item, mainly for aesthetics.

However, in ancient times, the status of hats in the hearts of the ancients was much higher than now, and there were even words such as "the gentleman dies and the crown is inevitable", "crown" refers to the hat, which means that the hat cannot be messy even if the gentleman dies.

This shows the importance of hats to the ancients, so why did the ancients like to wear hats so much, even if they died, they were reluctant to take them off, and what is the meaning of their hats?

In ancient times, hats were not just a kind of clothing, for them wearing hats was a kind of etiquette, and China, as a well-dressed country, established a crown and clothing system very early.

In ancient times, almost every adult man had to perform the "crown ceremony", which is equivalent to a sign of a person's adulthood, if he is an adult, he will hold a crown ceremony, which also means that after the crown ceremony, the person will change from a boy to a man.

It is necessary to become the pillar of parents and take on their own responsibilities.

During the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, although people did not pay much attention to their daily clothing, once it was time for sacrifices or major events related to ancestors, they would wear specially designed and more solemn costumes.

Later, with the gradual improvement of the crown and clothing system, the position of "priest" appeared, which was mainly responsible for the clothing of the emperor and nobles, and at this time the clothing has become a form of etiquette.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the society was turbulent, the princes competed for hegemony, and they had already refused to accept control, and began to carry out their own clothing reforms, creating their own clothing, and the characteristics were also very different, and even associated clothing with governing the country.

Because the hair of the ancients, both men and women, was long and fluttering, in order to facilitate those warriors to ride and shoot, so there was a "Hu Fu", and a matching crown.

By the Qin and Han dynasties, there were more and more styles of men's official hats, and the generals at that time liked to use "scarves" to tie their hair, and then put on hats, which would also be more solid.

The scarf gradually spread to the lives of the common people, and in ancient times, the common people also needed to work every day to support their families, so it would be very convenient to tie their hair with a scarf.

Later, not only the common people, but also the officials in important positions in the court also liked to use it to tie their hair, in addition to the convenience, there is also a funny reason, that is, the hair can also cover up their own defects.

Because the ancients also had bald heads, and there were also people with strange hair, in the dynasties that paid attention to clothing and appearance, it was a etiquette to dress up and look good, so the role of hats can also cover up their own defects.

At this time, the crown is usually relatively large, and it can almost cover the top of one's forehead.

Jinxian crown is the most important crown style of clothing fashion, whether it is a prince or a small official, you need to wear Jinxian crown, Jinxian crown has a distinction between one, two and three beams, and judge the size of the position by looking at how many beams.

In the Wei and Jin dynasties, the hats of the ancients made some changes.

Tying hair with a turban is still popular because it is convenient and strong, but the shape of the crown has changed, the volume has been significantly reduced, and a small crown is placed on the top of the head.

In the Sui and Tang dynasties, the hats of civil officials and military attaches began to appear in different ranks, and different hats were used to represent different official ranks.

And different occasions and different things, the crowns worn are also different, which shows that the ancients paid great attention to the wearing of hats.

However, the common people were not eligible to wear crowns, and usually they wore only a headscarf on their heads.

On another level, the ancients attached so much importance to clothing, and it is precisely because of their traditional thinking that there are many rules, not only the clothes are three layers inside and three layers outside, but if anyone is not neatly dressed, it will be considered shameful.

Especially later, the crown has become a symbol of their status and class, and the ancients had to dress themselves well, so some people were reluctant to take off their clothes even if they died.

Dressing yourself up appropriately is not only a kind of quality for yourself, but also a kind of respect for others, which is not just a piece of clothing, but also a kind of self-appreciation and affirmation for them.

Why did the ancients like to wear hats? What is the difference between these hats, and is there a fixed occasion? In modern daily life, there are all kinds of hats, peaked caps, knitted hats, etc., which are useful
Why did the ancients like to wear hats? What is the difference between these hats, and is there a fixed occasion? In modern daily life, there are all kinds of hats, peaked caps, knitted hats, etc., which are useful
Why did the ancients like to wear hats? What is the difference between these hats, and is there a fixed occasion? In modern daily life, there are all kinds of hats, peaked caps, knitted hats, etc., which are useful
Why did the ancients like to wear hats? What is the difference between these hats, and is there a fixed occasion? In modern daily life, there are all kinds of hats, peaked caps, knitted hats, etc., which are useful
Why did the ancients like to wear hats? What is the difference between these hats, and is there a fixed occasion? In modern daily life, there are all kinds of hats, peaked caps, knitted hats, etc., which are useful
Why did the ancients like to wear hats? What is the difference between these hats, and is there a fixed occasion? In modern daily life, there are all kinds of hats, peaked caps, knitted hats, etc., which are useful
Why did the ancients like to wear hats? What is the difference between these hats, and is there a fixed occasion? In modern daily life, there are all kinds of hats, peaked caps, knitted hats, etc., which are useful
Why did the ancients like to wear hats? What is the difference between these hats, and is there a fixed occasion? In modern daily life, there are all kinds of hats, peaked caps, knitted hats, etc., which are useful
Why did the ancients like to wear hats? What is the difference between these hats, and is there a fixed occasion? In modern daily life, there are all kinds of hats, peaked caps, knitted hats, etc., which are useful

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