
Zhang Xuefeng reveals Li Xueqin's extra points in the college entrance examination: You are too funny to question people!

author:It's not me who regrets it

Zhang Xuefeng talks about Li Xueqin's college entrance examination bonus point controversy

Let's talk about our uncle fans

Zhang Xuefeng reveals Li Xueqin's extra points in the college entrance examination: You are too funny to question people!

As an uncle in his forties, when I discussed Li Xueqin with a friend in his thirties, I found that he turned out to be a pseudo-fan. This makes me very interesting, after all, he claims to like Li Xueqin, but he doesn't chase stars. This seems to be quite common in our age group. We are both old uncles, but we have a strong interest in a young girl like Li Xueqin, which shows that her charm and influence are really strong.

Li Xueqin has gone from a funny vlogger to a public figure today, and her growth and achievements have always attracted the attention of many people. Especially in the discussion of the controversy over the extra points in the college entrance examination, Li Xueqin's story has become the focus of heated discussions. Zhang Xuefeng also mentioned when talking about this matter that Li Xueqin is indeed very good, this evaluation surprised many people who questioned her, but it was also a side affirmation of her ability.

You can't get into Peking University with an extra score of 20

Regarding the controversy over Li Xueqin's extra points in the college entrance examination, Zhang Xuefeng pointed out some facts: even if there are extra points, it is impossible for him to be admitted to Peking University, not to mention that Li Xueqin did not use this extra point, she entered through the first place in Liaoning's independent enrollment. This has made many people re-examine her abilities. After all, not everyone can win the independent entrance exam, that is to be really competent!


Many people questioned Li Xueqin's college entrance examination results on the Internet, thinking that she was admitted to Peking University by extra points. Zhang Xuefeng believes that these people who question her are actually not reflecting on their own abilities and efforts, but always want to pull others into the water. This kind of mentality is actually quite funny, because really good people don't care about these gossips, they have their own goals and pursuits.

Doubts continued

Zhang Xuefeng reveals Li Xueqin's extra points in the college entrance examination: You are too funny to question people!

The doubts about Li Xueqin on the Internet did not stop because of Zhang Xuefeng's explanation. Some people believe that Li Xueqin's college entrance examination results are not worth boasting about, but she entered Peking University through some special channels. This point of view has caused a lot of discussion on the Internet, and some netizens even think that even if they add 100 points, they will not be able to be admitted to Peking University, so they are skeptical about Li Xueqin's results.

Zhang Xuefeng said that Li Xueqin passed the independent enrollment examination with an extra score of 20 points, plus a naked score of 633 points, and passed the enrollment line of Peking University's liberal arts that year. For this kind of questioning, he feels that those who always question others should actually look at their own level first. This point of view has resonated with many netizens, and everyone has said that some people just like to pick thorns, and if they can't do it, they always think that others can't do it.

There are many ways to get admitted to the college entrance examination

Zhang Xuefeng reveals Li Xueqin's extra points in the college entrance examination: You are too funny to question people!

In this discussion, Zhang Xuefeng also mentioned a variety of ways to be admitted to the college entrance examination. He believes that different students have different choices, some may be through independent enrollment, some through the college entrance examination naked scores, and some through special students and other ways. It is very important for students and parents to understand and master these pathways.

Li Xueqin's success is not only a matter of college entrance examination results, but also her hard work and perseverance. Zhang Xuefeng hopes that through this discussion, more people can understand the diversity of college entrance examination admissions, and not blindly question others, but pay more attention to their own efforts and dedication.

Meimei is invisible

Zhang Xuefeng reveals Li Xueqin's extra points in the college entrance examination: You are too funny to question people!

In the process of discussing Li Xueqin's extra points in the college entrance examination, some netizens ridiculed that Li Xueqin may indeed be a little "ugly" compared with another table tennis player who has also passed independent enrollment, so the "Meimei" of table tennis is invisible. Although this kind of ridicule is a bit excessive, it also reflects the public's high attention to Li Xueqin.

Zhang Xuefeng mentioned in the discussion that there are many ways to be admitted to the college entrance examination, and everyone should know more and seize the opportunity. For Li Xueqin, she passed the independent entrance examination to enter Peking University, which shows that she is indeed outstanding in this regard. Both those who question her and those who support her should see her efforts and achievements.

Gender questioning and competence assessment

Zhang Xuefeng reveals Li Xueqin's extra points in the college entrance examination: You are too funny to question people!

There seem to be a lot of doubts about girls on the Internet, from Jiang Ping to Li Xueqin, they are all facing the same problem. This phenomenon makes people wonder, why are girls always being questioned? Zhang Xuefeng also mentioned that this phenomenon reflects society's suspicion and prejudice against women's abilities.

In fact, Li Xueqin's success is not only a matter of college entrance examination results, but also her personal charm and influence. Zhang Xuefeng hopes that through this discussion, more people can understand the excellent performance of women in various fields, and not always question their abilities, but see more of their efforts and dedication.

Funny comments and spark discussions

Zhang Xuefeng reveals Li Xueqin's extra points in the college entrance examination: You are too funny to question people!

The discussion of the whole article sparked a lot of funny comments and heated discussions among netizens. Some netizens ridiculed that they couldn't be admitted to Peking University if they added 100 points, so it was better to take a look at Li Xueqin's live learning experience. Some netizens said that it is better to reflect on yourself than to question others, after all, your grades are not necessarily good.

Through this discussion, we have seen the public's attention and heated discussions on Li Xueqin, and we have also seen everyone's different views on the extra points of the college entrance examination. In any case, Li Xueqin's success is worthy of recognition, and she has won the love and support of many fans through her hard work and talent. I hope that there will be more outstanding talents like Li Xueqin in the future, which will bring us more surprises and touches.

Controversial summary

Zhang Xuefeng reveals Li Xueqin's extra points in the college entrance examination: You are too funny to question people!

Li Xueqin's controversy over the extra points in the college entrance examination has sparked a wide range of discussions, which are not only an evaluation of her personal ability, but also a reflection on the college entrance examination system and social evaluation system. Although Zhang Xuefeng's views vindicate Li Xueqin's name, doubts are still continuing. This phenomenon reflects the different perceptions and attitudes of society towards outstanding talents.

In the process, we saw some interesting phenomena, such as the old uncle's attention to young girls, netizens' ridicule of the bonus point policy, and the questioning of women's success. Through these discussions, we are not only evaluating Li Xueqin, but also thinking about the evaluation criteria of the whole society for talents.

In any case, Li Xueqin's success is undeniable, and she has won the love and support of many fans through her hard work and talent. I hope that there will be more outstanding talents like Li Xueqin in the future, which will bring us more surprises and touches.

Ladies and gentlemen, what do you think of this college entrance examination bonus controversy? Feel free to leave your thoughts and insights in the comment section, and let's continue to discuss this interesting topic together!

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