
Photo News|Yongchuan: Feel the "Feast of Film Technology" at the Doorstep of Citizens

author:Nine Faction Express

[Source: Chongqing Daily]

Photo News|Yongchuan: Feel the "Feast of Film Technology" at the Doorstep of Citizens

On June 28, in Yongchuan District, citizens experienced advanced film and television shooting technology at the Film and Television Science and Technology Innovation Exhibition Venue. Photo by correspondent Chen Shichuan and Lu Wei

On the same day, the first China Chongqing Science and Technology Film Week Film and Television Science and Technology Innovation Exhibition was officially opened to the public at the Yongchuan International Convention and Exhibition Center.

It is understood that the first China Chongqing Science and Technology Film Week Film and Television Science and Technology Innovation Exhibition will be officially opened to the public from June 28th to 29th, the theme of the exhibition is "Light and Shadow Jiangshan", the theme design not only skillfully integrates the unique geographical characteristics of Chongqing's mountain city and river city, but also embodies the profound concept of combining science and technology and art, using advanced light and shadow technology to build a Chongqing psychedelic forest full of science and technology, and integrate the elements of the future cyberpunk city, so that visitors can feel the artistry of the film in the experience. The harmony and unity of scientific and technological innovation and exhibition aesthetics.

Photo News|Yongchuan: Feel the "Feast of Film Technology" at the Doorstep of Citizens
Photo News|Yongchuan: Feel the "Feast of Film Technology" at the Doorstep of Citizens

On June 28, in Yongchuan District, citizens experienced advanced film and television shooting technology at the Film and Television Science and Technology Innovation Exhibition Venue. Photo by correspondent Chen Shichuan and Lu Wei

Photo News|Yongchuan: Feel the "Feast of Film Technology" at the Doorstep of Citizens
Photo News|Yongchuan: Feel the "Feast of Film Technology" at the Doorstep of Citizens

On June 28, in Yongchuan District, citizens visited the film and television science and technology innovation exhibition venue. Photo by correspondent Chen Shichuan and Lu Wei

Photo News|Yongchuan: Feel the "Feast of Film Technology" at the Doorstep of Citizens

On June 28, in Yongchuan District, the staff demonstrated advanced film and television shooting technology at the film and television science and technology innovation exhibition venue. Photo by correspondent Chen Shichuan and Lu Wei

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