
Germany ranks 3rd in exports, the Netherlands ranks 4th, Japan ranks 5th, and South Korea ranks 8th, but what about China, the United States, Russia and other countries?

Germany ranks 3rd in exports, the Netherlands ranks 4th, Japan ranks 5th, and South Korea ranks 8th, but what about China, the United States, Russia and other countries?

Nansheng said in this life

2024-06-06 11:33Published in Guangdong financial field creators

The World Trade Organization has updated its database to raise the value of global merchandise exports to $23.78 trillion in 2023, nearly $400 billion higher than the previous estimate of $23.4 trillion. The import value was also revised upwards to US$24.23 trillion, both lower than the previous year.

Germany ranks 3rd in exports, the Netherlands ranks 4th, Japan ranks 5th, and South Korea ranks 8th, but what about China, the United States, Russia and other countries?

The decline in the value of imports and exports is not due to inactive trade, but because:

Most of the world's currencies, including the renminbi, the yen, the South Korean won, the rupee, the ruble, and the peso, have fallen against the dollar. The low commodity prices are also one of the important reasons why the total value of global merchandise imports and exports is lower than the previous year.

The report also notes that global trade patterns are increasingly influenced by geopolitics, with a general decline in the diversification of trading partners, a tendency for many countries to adopt policies that support domestic industries and reduce dependence on foreign supply chains, and a slight increase in inequality.

Among them, the mainland is still the world's No. 1 commodity exporter, with a report card of 3,380.024 billion US dollars in 2023, about 14.21% of the total value of global merchandise exports.

The United States ranks second, with a merchandise export value of 2,019.542 billion US dollars in 2023, accounting for 8.49% of the global total; The third place is Germany, with an export value of 1,688.419 billion US dollars, accounting for 7.1%.

Japan's exports in 2023 will be 717.315 billion yuan, accounting for 3.02%; Italy is ranked 6th, France is 7th, South Korea is 8th, and Mexico is 9th. Thanks to the North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA), Mexico is becoming a transit point for global goods into the United States, driving a surge in commodity exports.

Germany ranks 3rd in exports, the Netherlands ranks 4th, Japan ranks 5th, and South Korea ranks 8th, but what about China, the United States, Russia and other countries?

The same is true for the economies mentioned below

The fourth place is the Netherlands, with an export value of 934.568 billion US dollars, accounting for 3.93%; The export value of goods from mainland Hong Kong was 573.871 billion US dollars, accounting for 2.41%, ranking tenth in the world. Belgium's exports were 562.439 billion US dollars, accounting for 2.36%.

Singapore ranked 15th, with exports of US$476.252 billion, accounting for 2%. The characteristics of the above four major economies are all "entrepot trade, transit trade". Hong Kong remains an important transit point for the mainland's foreign trade, while the Netherlands and Belgium are important hubs for the EU's foreign trade.

Rotterdam, the largest port in Europe, is also one of the most well-known golden business cards of the Netherlands. Handling around 7.4 million containers per year, and home to more than 5,000 companies in the transport and logistics industry, it is the first port of call for many Chinese companies entering the European market. The reverse is also true.

The Port of Antwerp in Belgium is the second largest port in Europe, with an annual international shipping throughput of more than 200 million tons, with professional terminals for automobiles, steel, coal, fruits, grains, timber, fertilizers, paper, containers, etc., and the volume of general cargo transportation ranks first in Europe.

The United Arab Emirates, with a merchandise export value of US$487.778 billion in 2023, accounting for 2.05%, ranks 14th in the world and first in the Middle East.

Germany ranks 3rd in exports, the Netherlands ranks 4th, Japan ranks 5th, and South Korea ranks 8th, but what about China, the United States, Russia and other countries?

The strong growth of non-oil foreign trade is a powerful weapon for the UAE to win the export championship in the Middle East. Among them, gold is the largest commodity in the UAE's non-oil foreign trade, followed by diamonds, mobile phones and other communication equipment, ornaments and jewelry, automobiles, etc.

The UAE does not produce mobile phones and cars itself, so why does it still export a large number of them? This is because the UAE is now the financial center and trade distribution center of the Middle East, which can radiate to the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Africa, South Asia and other places, and is known as one of the world's three major entrepot trade centers.

Finally, share the export data of some other countries

Canada ranked 11th in exports of $569.257 billion in goods, Britain ranked 13th in exports of $520.691 billion, Russia ranked 16th with $432.915 billion in exports, India ranked 18th in exports of $432.001 billion, and Spain ranked 19th with $423.221 billion in exports.

This is followed by Switzerland, Poland, Australia, Vietnam, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Turkey, and the Czech Republic. Among them, Vietnam's exports of goods amounted to 353.782 billion US dollars, ranking 23rd in the world.

Germany ranks 3rd in exports, the Netherlands ranks 4th, Japan ranks 5th, and South Korea ranks 8th, but what about China, the United States, Russia and other countries?

Taiwan's merchandise exports in 2023 will be US$432.327 billion, ranking 17th. Finally, there is the question of interacting with netizens, the global merchandise export value is 23.78 trillion US dollars, the import value is 24.23 trillion US dollars, and the internal trade of the earth, why are the two not equal? This article is written by Nansheng, welcome to forward, comment, leave a message and share!

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  • Germany ranks 3rd in exports, the Netherlands ranks 4th, Japan ranks 5th, and South Korea ranks 8th, but what about China, the United States, Russia and other countries?
  • Germany ranks 3rd in exports, the Netherlands ranks 4th, Japan ranks 5th, and South Korea ranks 8th, but what about China, the United States, Russia and other countries?
  • Germany ranks 3rd in exports, the Netherlands ranks 4th, Japan ranks 5th, and South Korea ranks 8th, but what about China, the United States, Russia and other countries?
  • Germany ranks 3rd in exports, the Netherlands ranks 4th, Japan ranks 5th, and South Korea ranks 8th, but what about China, the United States, Russia and other countries?

Personal opinion, for reference only

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