
The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a notice that Israel would not fight this time?

author:Lovely Kyle speaks

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The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a notice that Israel would not fight this time?

Edit: Cute Kyle

The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a notice that Israel would not fight this time?

The southern border region of Lebanon has been shrouded in the clouds of war. Allah forces and Israeli forces have been at times fierce and-for-tat. It seems only a matter of time before a full-scale conflict breaks out between the two sides.

The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a notice that Israel would not fight this time?

Germany, the Netherlands and other countries have successively issued travel alerts, requiring citizens to evacuate Lebanon. U.S. officials have said bluntly that they should not expect to stop Israeli military action. All signs indicate that a war between Lebanon and Israel is imminent.

The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a notice that Israel would not fight this time?

Allah Lebanon is a Shiite organization with a large military presence in Lebanon with an arsenal of rockets large enough to cover the entire territory of Israel.

The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a notice that Israel would not fight this time?

Allah has long been a security concern for Israel, and Netanyahu's government seeks to eliminate this powerful pro-Iranian force in one fell swoop.

The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a notice that Israel would not fight this time?

Israel's military might alone cannot completely eliminate Allah. In the event of a full-scale war, Netanyahu will inevitably need strong support from the United States.

The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a notice that Israel would not fight this time?

Israeli Defense Minister Gallant personally went to the United States to seek heavy weapons and equipment from the United States. There is no doubt that if war is imminent, the Biden administration will find itself in a dilemma.

The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a notice that Israel would not fight this time?

From Israel's point of view, there are several reasons for starting a war. First of all, Allah is undoubtedly a huge hidden danger to Israel's security. This well-trained Shiite faction is spread throughout Lebanon, and there is no threat of missing rockets.

The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a notice that Israel would not fight this time?

The elimination of Allah is the core demand of the far-right forces, and the occupation of southern Lebanon is also their long-term goal. More importantly, Netanyahu needs a state of war to stay firmly in power and avoid judicial accountability.

The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a notice that Israel would not fight this time?

Looking at the situation in the Middle East, the fuse of the Lebanese-Israeli war has already been ignited. Both sides have reasons to fight, and Allah is Iran's new force in Lebanon, and its survival is related to Iran's strategic power in the Middle East.

The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a notice that Israel would not fight this time?

Israel, for its part, sees Allah as a steel nail of security and urgently needs to remove it completely. Such an attack could also provide a boost to the platforms of far-right parties.

The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a notice that Israel would not fight this time?

If war breaks out, the consequences will be unimaginable. Lebanon could be plunged back into a brutal civil war, repeating the mistakes of the 90s. Allah's rockets will undoubtedly cover northern Israeli cities, depopulating civilians and causing heavy casualties.

The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a notice that Israel would not fight this time?

By contrast, Israel's advanced weapons will wreak even greater damage in Lebanon. At that time, the influx of refugees will flood throughout the Middle East, triggering a serious humanitarian crisis.

The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a notice that Israel would not fight this time?

What is even more serious is that once the Lebanese-Israeli conflict escalates into a regional war, it will affect the whole body. Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia and other countries could all be drawn into the vortex of war.

The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a notice that Israel would not fight this time?

The Middle East peace process will fall into an unprecedented predicament of nirvana and rebirth, and rekindle the discord between religion, ethnicity, and interests. At that time, the Middle East region will be in turmoil, energy supply may be affected, and the consequences will affect the global economic order.

The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a notice that Israel would not fight this time?

It is foreseeable that the Lebanese-Israeli war will undoubtedly bring heavy costs to both sides and even to the whole world. But the outbreak of war is already on the verge of an arrow and is difficult to stop. The United States may want to suppress the war, but it is afraid that it will backfire.

The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a notice that Israel would not fight this time?

Netanyahu has undoubtedly staked his political future and is bent on going his own way. Allah will also stand up to Iran's last power in the Middle East. The flames of war can only be extinguished if the two sides resolve their differences by military means.

The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a notice that Israel would not fight this time?

War is raging and turmoil in the Middle East is undoubtedly a foregone conclusion. Countless ordinary people will suffer and fall victim to this war. We have to ask: when will the people of the Middle East truly emerge from the chaos of war and live in peace?

The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a notice that Israel would not fight this time?

For a long time, the contradictions between religion, ethnicity, and interests in the Middle East have been intertwined and have become the bane of conflicts. The war has never been extinguished by mutual hostility and the use of force to resolve differences. Even if there were occasional times of peace, it was only a brief lull before the storm.

The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a notice that Israel would not fight this time?

In order to completely resolve the Middle East issue, a partial peace process alone is far from sufficient. All parties must first put aside their prejudices and engage in sincere dialogue to find a win-win solution. At the same time, the countries of the Middle East urgently need to speed up their economic development and fundamentally eliminate the hotbeds of war. Peace can only take root if the people's living standards are significantly improved.

The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a notice that Israel would not fight this time?

In this process, the international community must also provide strong support and assistance to the Middle East region, rather than taking advantage of the opportunity. In addition to sending funds and aid to the Middle East, we should also contribute wisdom and strength to the cause of peace here and help the people of the Middle East rebuild a peaceful, just and civilized living environment.

The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a notice that Israel would not fight this time?

Allah is a Shiite armed group in Lebanon with a large military presence in Lebanon and a rocket arsenal large enough to cover all of Israel.

The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a notice that Israel would not fight this time?

The pro-Iranian force has long been a security issue for Israel, and Netanyahu's government has been hoping to eliminate this formidable adversary. But it is clear that Israel alone will not be able to completely eradicate Allah. Therefore, Israeli Secretary of Defense Gallant personally went to the United States to strongly invite the United States to provide military support.

The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a notice that Israel would not fight this time?

Once this war breaks out, it will inevitably have a heavy impact on the entire Middle East region and even the world. In addition to casualties and refugee flows, the flames of war are more likely to trigger regional turmoil, severely damage the peace process, and lead to the intensification of contradictions between religion, ethnicity, and interests. Moreover, energy supplies may be affected, further destabilizing the precarious global economic order.

The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a notice that Israel would not fight this time?

The root cause of war has been around for a long time, the contradictions between religion, nationality, and interests are intertwined, and all parties are hostile to each other, and there is no way out of the win-win situation. At present, the situation is stalemate, and it seems that only force can untie the knot. But is it worth the heavy cost that war will undoubtedly inflict greater suffering on innocent civilians?

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