
Li Shilei - 2024 New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Figure

author:Art House Database
Li Shilei - 2024 New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Figure
Li Shilei - 2024 New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Figure

Li Shilei, a native of Chengdu and now lives in Yangzhou, Jiangsu, bachelor degree, major in finance and financial management, member of the Chinese Poetry Society of Intermediate Tea Master, member of the Chinese Couplet Society, member of the Chinese Hard Pen Calligraphy Association, member of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, director of the Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Association, director of the Jiujiang Calligraphers and Painters Association, expert academician of the think tank of Beijing Huaxia Lanting Painting and Calligraphy Institute and deputy director of the Art Committee, first-class artist, member of the Sino-American Association, Rong Bao Zhai signed artist, CCTV China Television Culture Channel column signed artist, He is the consultant of the Calligraphy and Painting Art Exchange Center of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, awarded the honorary title of "Expert Enjoying Special Allowance" by the China Artistic Talent Foundation, and is appointed as the spokesperson of the National Rite brand image and the vice president of the World Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Institute by the State Guest Gift Special (Foreign Affairs) Management Center, the State Guest Gift Cultural Market Protection Committee, the State Guest Ceremony Art Appraisal and Evaluation Committee, and the National Gift Brand Image Spokesperson Editorial Committee.

In his spare time, he is keen on the creation of Chinese painting, and has been fond of calligraphy and painting since childhood, and has won many awards in the practice and creation of landscape painting, flower and bird painting, and figure painting. Unremittingly in poetry creation, literary creation on holidays, more than ten novellas were first published at the starting point and Chinese online, and he was awarded the honorary title of Chinese art legend and was rated as an artist with Chinese public influence; Lifetime Grade Certificate of People's Artist Qualification for Chinese Painting Creation in China Artist Information Publicity System; He was awarded the Chinese Ink Newspaper Review of China's Powerful Calligraphers and Painters, the Image Ambassador of Love and Public Welfare, and the Image Ambassador of Art Inheritance for the 96th Anniversary of the Founding of the Army; Awarded as a contemporary collectible artist by the National Rite Artists Network; Participate in the 2022 China Winter Olympics Art Ambassador Activities; It is an honor to participate in the public welfare activity of People's Daily "Global People: Masters of the Times Create for the People"; Awarded the title of People's Artist; Special report on the pioneers of calligraphy and painting at the National Two Sessions; Jiujiang TV reporter interviewed the news report on the 20th National "Lushan Cup" Calligraphy and Painting Competition, won the special gold medal, and was awarded the honorary title of "Tribute to the Classics, Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Inheritance Figures"; Celebrating the Centenary of the Communist Party of China, "The New Journey of the Chinese Dream, the Exhibition of Outstanding Works of Chinese Cultural Celebrities"; Centennial of the founding of the party, Chinese cultural celebrities; Won the CCTV Art Inheritance Column 2022 Collection Value Appreciation Potential Calligrapher and Painter Character Report; CCTV Voice of China Official Guest Artist; CCTV Brand China Official Distinguished Art Consultant; Employed as a visiting professor of CCTV Art Inheritance Program; Some of the selected classics are collected in the libraries of Peking University, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, and Fudan University. Most of his works have been collected by foreign guests, art institutions, associations, enterprises and individual collectors. Won the cover character of Tianjin People's Fine Arts Publishing House's "Hundred Years of Hanmo"; Featured on the cover of "Context China" by Unity Publishing House; Featured on the cover of China Art Publishing House's "Great Beauty of China"; Cover character of "Guide to Chinese Art Collection" by United Culture Publishing House; Won the full-page report of the New Year special issue of the "Calligraphy and Painting Art Newspaper" of the China Couplet Society; Included in the compilation of the "People's Calligraphers and Painters" magazine of the Painting and Calligraphy Institute of the Chinese Couplet Society; Participate in the 2023 Asian Games to promote sports and culture masterpiece calligraphy and painting exhibition; Invited to participate in the Red Carpet Reception for the New Year, the Red Carpet Reception and Exchange International Spring Festival Gala Ceremony of Baijie, calligraphers, painters, entrepreneurs; Invited to participate in the welcome dinner of the former President of Poland and presented national gift paintings to foreign guests for cultural exchanges; The China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Publishing House published the "Chinese Calligraphy" collector's edition, and six Chinese paintings were selected and sent to the 2024 Paris Olympic Games; His Chinese painting works won the Outstanding Gold Award of the 33rd Paris Olympic Games Online Exchange Exhibition of Calligraphy, Painting and Culture.

Li Shilei - 2024 New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Figure
Li Shilei - 2024 New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Figure
Li Shilei - 2024 New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Figure
Li Shilei - 2024 New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Figure
Li Shilei - 2024 New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Figure
Li Shilei - 2024 New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Figure
Li Shilei - 2024 New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Figure
Li Shilei - 2024 New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Figure
Li Shilei - 2024 New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Figure
Li Shilei - 2024 New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Figure
Li Shilei - 2024 New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Figure
Li Shilei - 2024 New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Figure
Li Shilei - 2024 New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Figure
Li Shilei - 2024 New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Figure
Li Shilei - 2024 New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Figure
Li Shilei - 2024 New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Figure
Li Shilei - 2024 New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Figure
Li Shilei - 2024 New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Figure
Li Shilei - 2024 New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Figure
Li Shilei - 2024 New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Figure
Li Shilei - 2024 New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Figure
Li Shilei - 2024 New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Figure
Li Shilei - 2024 New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Figure
Li Shilei - 2024 New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Figure
Li Shilei - 2024 New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Figure

"Brush and Ink Flourishing, Like the Sun in the Sky - Remembering the Young Painter Li Shilei"

In essence, the spiritual expression of any art can be said to be the reproduction of the artist's own heart, and this creative connotation of the intersection of hearts and minds is precisely the development context that traditional Chinese Danqing has been advocating! Today, when we turn our attention to the Danqing works of the famous young painter Li Shilei, we can also fully feel the high-quality atmosphere and literati quality she has given to the picture! In terms of creation, Li Shilei completely put the pen and ink technique in a kind of ancient meaning, and the idea of many landscape pictures in his works is also completely free of any exaggerated pattern and abrupt bluntness.

The profound sense of tradition is the foundation of Ms. Li's establishment of the paintings of the times, but unlike many contemporary painters, Li Shilei's path of learning from the past is not blindly pursuing the tradition, but learning from the past, learning from the past, taking the tradition as the foundation, and the aesthetics of the times as the development. It is precisely because of this that the landscape paintings painted by Li Shilei can inherit a steady stream of artistic vitality and natural freshness in the context of this constantly developing era! In the pen and ink, it is feasible to rub and dye and other methods, with the pen is strong and healthy without losing the simplicity and elegance, with the ink Huazi without losing the integrity, the pen and ink law is completely worthy of the virtual and real life, the shade is suitable! In the color of the landscape, Li Shilei also reflects a very high personal perception and level of grasp, when the color is in line with the ink method, since the thick place contains Huazi, but also in the ethereal place to give harmony, the form and spirit reflect each other, absolutely extraordinary!

As the saying goes, the so-called representational techniques cannot represent the ornamental and aesthetic nature of a Danqing work after all, but only from a deeper spiritual style and humanistic context can we have a comprehensive appreciation of a Danqing work! Today, Li Shilei, as a powerful young painter in the current Danqing circle, is naturally successful in the internal and external cultivation of Danqing art, which is beyond doubt! Based on this, when we look at his many landscape paintings, the shape and meaning of the landscape we see is by no means a simple pattern of craftsmen's techniques, but should be a kind of dual teaching height that can naturally grow together and intersect with the mind! Elegant, fun and self-contained!

The pen and ink are as vigorous as the sun is shining. In the face of the current materialistic art world, following the crowd has become the norm of creation! In the face of such a situation, today's Li Shilei did not hesitate to establish a unique creative pattern and enthusiasm for creation! It not only contains traditional aesthetics in his works, but also shows natural fashion in the landscape, so no matter from any point of view, Li Shilei's landscape works are completely worthy of the model of the times! The style of the pen is easy to group, and it can be impressive!

Famous calligraphy and painting art critic Shi Feng

May 5, 2022 Book at Lanyizhai

"Containing Literati Talent in Traditional Brush and Ink - Impressions of Li Shilei's Paintings"

But all Danqing painters have internal and external cultivation, that is, external creation skills and internal spiritual feelings! As the art world often says, it is said that people are like their paintings, and paintings are like their people.

We often say that craftsmen and painters only pay attention to brush and ink techniques without connotation, and their own routine and stylized creative process will also make the painted works form the same tonality. In order to truly avoid this phenomenon, the best solution is to be well versed in the traditional way, especially the creative concept of the heart source and the creation of foreign teachers, because only in this way can the painter take the image without confusion when the heart is followed by the brush, and then achieve the pattern of everyone who enters the Tao with skills! This point can be fully seen in Ms. Li Shilei's works of flowers and birds today, a piece of peony flowers and birds, is the true nature of the direct image, but it does not lose the true meaning of freehand, it is actually both work and writing. With the pen with ink, the shade is appropriate, the color is thick, complement each other, although glamorous but not vulgar, although beautiful but not slippery, only to see the peony shape god, both strong posture, but also graceful state, flowers graceful and elegant, branches and leaves are clustered luxuriantly! In addition to the overview, it is really a pity that only the peony is true to the national color, and the flowers move the capital when they bloom, poetic and picturesque, refreshing!

Looking at Ms. Li Shilei's landscapes again, all of them have a spacious atmosphere that can be visited and lived! The landscape in his pen has the wonder of the northern school and the beauty of the southern school, and the reason for this is also inseparable from his sketching experience over the years. Reading things in feelings, searching for strange peaks in drafts, using the rules of the ancients, seizing the creation of heaven and earth, judging the density of peaks and mountains, and knowing the taste of clouds and smoke, the hills and gullies in the eyes are actually refined into the hills and valleys in the chest, which is intended to be put into the end of the painting! Therefore, in all the landscape paintings, you can see the water waterfall agitation, the mountains are stacked, the path leads to the deep and secluded, the clouds are steamed in the haze, the color is extremely light, the peak is strong, and the creative principle of writing God in form and reflecting the love with scenery is also a testimony of her own strength to inherit the right path!

In the traditional pen and ink, there is a literati talent. The problem for painters today is how to conceive of tradition without losing themselves. Just like the Song Dynasty Guo Ruoxu, there are three diseases in the painting, the so-called three: one is the board, the second is the carving, and the third is the knot. The wrist of the board is weak and the pen is stupid, the carver is vain, and the knot is like a thing to condense the obstacles. However, from today's many paintings of Ms. Li Shilei, there is no vulgarity of these three at all, so it is said that her paintings are the best examples in the field of traditional freehand, and they must be penetrating and worthy of the name! Feelings in the landscape, pour thoughts into the end of the painting, get it in the heart, should be in the hand, the shape is sufficient, when it is!

Famous calligraphy and painting art critic Luo Yang September 29, 2023

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