
Is it a natural disaster or a man-made disaster if an ice pick falls on the bridge and smashes a vehicle? Should we seek compensation from the bridge manager? A friend posted a video in the group this morning. The video shows one of our here

author:The eyes of the law on the bridge

Is it a natural disaster or a man-made disaster if an ice pick falls on the bridge and smashes a vehicle? Should we seek compensation from the bridge manager?

A friend posted a video in the group this morning. The video shows an ice pick falling on a bridge here that smashes into a passing car.

A friend said in the group that his vehicle was also smashed, can he ask the bridge management office for compensation?

The group immediately became lively, and everyone had different opinions.

Some say that this is a natural disaster, and they can only consider themselves unlucky;

Some say that they can find an insurance company to settle a claim;

Only a few people said that they could find the bridge toll office for compensation!

We think that the manager of the bridge has the function of repairing and maintaining the ancillary facilities of the bridge, and also has the obligation to guarantee the safe passage.

The Civil Code stipulates that if a building, structure or other facility and its shelving or hanging object falls off or falls and causes damage to others, and the owner, manager or user cannot prove that he is not at fault, he shall bear tort liability.

It is common sense that the ice picks on the bridge are easy to fall from a high altitude due to the rising weather temperature or the vibration of vehicles.

If the bridge manager does not warn passing vehicles, does not set up warning signs, does not demarcate no-go areas, or does not close the bridge and prohibit traffic when existing vehicles are damaged by falling ice picks, then the bridge manager should be primarily responsible!

Therefore, to some extent, the fall of an ice pick on the bridge and the destruction of vehicles is not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster!

The bridge manager should bear the main responsibility for compensation! #我来唠家常#

Is it a natural disaster or a man-made disaster if an ice pick falls on the bridge and smashes a vehicle? Should we seek compensation from the bridge manager? A friend posted a video in the group this morning. The video shows one of our here
Is it a natural disaster or a man-made disaster if an ice pick falls on the bridge and smashes a vehicle? Should we seek compensation from the bridge manager? A friend posted a video in the group this morning. The video shows one of our here
Is it a natural disaster or a man-made disaster if an ice pick falls on the bridge and smashes a vehicle? Should we seek compensation from the bridge manager? A friend posted a video in the group this morning. The video shows one of our here
Is it a natural disaster or a man-made disaster if an ice pick falls on the bridge and smashes a vehicle? Should we seek compensation from the bridge manager? A friend posted a video in the group this morning. The video shows one of our here
Is it a natural disaster or a man-made disaster if an ice pick falls on the bridge and smashes a vehicle? Should we seek compensation from the bridge manager? A friend posted a video in the group this morning. The video shows one of our here
Is it a natural disaster or a man-made disaster if an ice pick falls on the bridge and smashes a vehicle? Should we seek compensation from the bridge manager? A friend posted a video in the group this morning. The video shows one of our here

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