
The Huawei Developer Conference (HDC2024) kicked off, HarmonyOSNEXT was officially unveiled, and HarmonyOS officially sounded the clarion call for commercial use, HarmonyOSN

author:SMIC release

华为开发者大会(HDC 2024)开启,HarmonyOS NEXT正式亮相,原生鸿蒙正式吹响商用号角,HarmonyOS NEXT撒出三大"王炸"底牌。

From the operating system kernel to the design system and integrated development environment, HarmonyOS NEXT is truly self-developed. Not only said goodbye to Android and IOS forever, but also completely bid farewell to the Linux kernel, making the terminal operating system kernel dominated by the West in the past 30 years completely history.

In addition to these historical significance, HarmonyOS NEXT also excels in terms of usability and security, from "permission grant" to "data grant", and comprehensive privacy control. Leveraging Ascend's computing power, system-level AI capabilities built by the Pangu model, comprehensive data security and privacy protection created by the newly developed Starshield security architecture, and a complete all-scenario experience, HarmonyOS NEXT delivers flawless performance. #余承东宣布纯血鸿蒙冲刺商用#


The Huawei Developer Conference (HDC2024) kicked off, HarmonyOSNEXT was officially unveiled, and HarmonyOS officially sounded the clarion call for commercial use, HarmonyOSN
The Huawei Developer Conference (HDC2024) kicked off, HarmonyOSNEXT was officially unveiled, and HarmonyOS officially sounded the clarion call for commercial use, HarmonyOSN
The Huawei Developer Conference (HDC2024) kicked off, HarmonyOSNEXT was officially unveiled, and HarmonyOS officially sounded the clarion call for commercial use, HarmonyOSN

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