
The development of the HarmonyOS ecosystem is so fast! I didn't expect to see the official release of HarmonyOSNEXT so soon, and Huawei proved its technical strength with facts

author:Technological predecessors

The development of the HarmonyOS ecosystem is so fast! I didn't expect to see the official release of HarmonyOS NEXT so soon, Huawei has proved its technical strength with facts, and Huawei is serious about making terminal operating systems!

The HarmonyOS ecosystem can be said to be built by Huawei brick by brick, from the operating system kernel to the AI framework, all of which are self-developed by Huawei's full-stack, achieving a new breakthrough in the domestic operating system, Ascend and Pangu models make HarmonyOS NEXT smarter, and Starshield makes HarmonyOS NEXT safer. In this way, we can open up new areas in the bipolar pattern of Android and Apple, so that everyone can use the domestic operating system. #余承东宣布纯血鸿蒙冲刺商用#


The development of the HarmonyOS ecosystem is so fast! I didn't expect to see the official release of HarmonyOSNEXT so soon, and Huawei proved its technical strength with facts
The development of the HarmonyOS ecosystem is so fast! I didn't expect to see the official release of HarmonyOSNEXT so soon, and Huawei proved its technical strength with facts
The development of the HarmonyOS ecosystem is so fast! I didn't expect to see the official release of HarmonyOSNEXT so soon, and Huawei proved its technical strength with facts

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