
#端午创作挑战赛#猛人张明容, carrying his paralyzed wife to Mount Tai! In March, Tarzan came to special tourists, but they did not come for tourism, nor for honeymooning, but

author:Insight into history

#端午创作挑战赛#猛人张明容, carrying his paralyzed wife to Mount Tai! In March, Tarzan came to special tourists, but they did not come to visit, nor did they come for a honeymoon, but to pray.

The man is only about 1.7 meters and has worked as a stevedore for many years. The woman was unable to walk properly and was unconscious from the chest down. And on the 9th, in order to satisfy his wife's desire to pray, the man resolutely carried her up the mountain.

On that day, many tourists saw them and knew the names of the two, it turned out that the man's name was Zhang Mingrong and the woman's name was Kong Yan.

How tall is Tarzan? 1532.7 meters! The average couple comes here and if the other half asks, "Hey, you carry me on your back." ”

It is estimated that the breakup is not far away, and maybe you will have to reward the other party with a slap. At that time, the friends who came with him were also persuaded to let Zhang Mingrong take the cableway cable car up, but in order not to let his wife have regrets, he insisted on climbing to the top of the mountain at 7:20 in the evening.

Some people say he's stupid, it's useless, it's superstition!

But if you know their experience, you may find out how rare their stupidity is in this era!

At the age of 21, Zhang Mingrong has been out to work for six years. It was also in this year that he met Kong Yan, when the two of them were working in a factory, and they looked up and didn't look down every day, and they came together after coming and going.

However, the love of the poor is different from that of the rich, and the rich cry in the BMW, and one of the parents opposes it, which is to throw you a check for 50 million and ask you to leave your son or daughter.

But the poor lock their daughters in their homes and directly isolate them physically. Kong Yan was in this situation at the beginning, what should I do? Fairy tales don't come to reality, but no fairy comes out and helps her solve problems with a magic wand.

But the girl was ruthless enough to climb directly onto the roof, ready to jump down and escape, but broke her spine and caused high paraplegia. This made the whole family angry, and they didn't want to care about her. I thought that Zhang Mingrong would disappear, after all, if I lived with Kong Yan, I don't know how much hardship I would have to suffer.

And to everyone's surprise, Zhang Mingrong hurried from his hometown to take care of Kong Yan by himself. Who knew that the waves were unsettled and the waves rose again, and the Zhang family was unwilling, and they didn't want to watch their son jump into the fire pit, so there was a falling out here.


It's really hopeless!

One is that there is no support from his family, and the other is that he is sick and spends money like running water, and the desperate situation of how many middle-aged men crying in the hospital with a headache appeared in Zhang Mingrong, who was only 21 years old.

He borrowed all the money he could, but it wasn't enough! I went out to find the fastest job with the money, carried bags and unloaded trucks every day, carried glass and cement, and climbed more than a dozen floors to deliver them to others. If you accidentally fall, the cement and glass hit your body, it's not an ordinary pain!

But it's such a hairy boy, who survived with his wife when the two families didn't care.

What is Man?

Smoking, drinking, and beating women? Or is it the green dragon on the left and the white tiger on the right, and the lip nails and tongue nails are all played? Or is it a ghost fire that rides on Chinese New Year's Eve?

No, like this kind of person who can resist the pressure of life, live brightly, and never abandon his wife, this is a real man!

Mount Tai on March 9 did not usher in the fourteenth emperor to seal the Zen, but ushered in a hard-working couple.

That night, the man, carrying his wife, climbed up and made his wish. At that moment, he looked up at the sky, love seemed to have turned into a vast starry sky, and the two wandering stars finally redeemed each other with their lives.

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#端午创作挑战赛#猛人张明容, carrying his paralyzed wife to Mount Tai! In March, Tarzan came to special tourists, but they did not come for tourism, nor for honeymooning, but
#端午创作挑战赛#猛人张明容, carrying his paralyzed wife to Mount Tai! In March, Tarzan came to special tourists, but they did not come for tourism, nor for honeymooning, but
#端午创作挑战赛#猛人张明容, carrying his paralyzed wife to Mount Tai! In March, Tarzan came to special tourists, but they did not come for tourism, nor for honeymooning, but

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