
The modern Yu Zecheng, who is lurking in Taiwan's military intelligence bureau, has successfully found out senior officials in the military! Rely on exchange to return to his hometown

author:Shi Jixing said
The modern Yu Zecheng, who is lurking in Taiwan's military intelligence bureau, has successfully found out senior officials in the military! Rely on exchange to return to his hometown

Yu Zecheng in the drama "Latent" once became synonymous with "spy", but no matter how well the TV series is acted, it is not as real as reality. There was a "double agent" on both sides of the strait, and he indirectly contributed to Taiwan's "military intelligence bureau" not daring to send active intelligence agents to the mainland.

What did this "double agent" do?

The modern Yu Zecheng, who is lurking in Taiwan's military intelligence bureau, has successfully found out senior officials in the military! Rely on exchange to return to his hometown

"Secret Intelligence"

In 1994, the "Qiandao Lake Case" shocked both home and abroad, and all 24 Taiwan compatriots, crew members, tour guides, and others on the "Hai Jui" cruise ship were killed.

This incident caused tensions between the mainland and Taiwan, and at that time, Taiwan's Lee Teng-hui was shouting everywhere and taking the opportunity to try to undermine cross-strait relations. Regarding the Qiandao Lake case, he once proudly said that "we have received even a confidential wanted warrant."

What's going on?

The modern Yu Zecheng, who is lurking in Taiwan's military intelligence bureau, has successfully found out senior officials in the military! Rely on exchange to return to his hometown

Many people do not dare to believe Lee Teng-hui's remarks, because the Qiandao Lake case is a major case and involves cross-strait issues, and the relevant information of the case was kept secret at that time.

However, some people believe Lee Teng-hui's words, because over the years, Taiwan has sent intelligence personnel, that is, spies, to the mainland on several occasions, and perhaps it was the intelligence that these Taiwan spies got back.

Insiders in Taiwan Province soon found the spy who provided information to Lee Teng-hui, and this person was named "Li Zhihao," who was a swimmer when he was young, and later secretly went to Hong Kong.

The modern Yu Zecheng, who is lurking in Taiwan's military intelligence bureau, has successfully found out senior officials in the military! Rely on exchange to return to his hometown

At that time, Taiwan's "Ministry of National Defense Special Intelligence Office," which is now known as the Military Intelligence Bureau, changed Li Zhihao's identity into that of an "overseas Chinese student" and recruited him into the Military Intelligence Bureau to collect intelligence on the mainland.

The Qiandao Lake case is of a bad nature, and the mainland has set up a special investigation team to investigate the case. Lee Teng-hui and others also kept an eye on the progress of the investigation, hoping to obtain some information, so they passed the news on to the spies on the mainland.

After the mainland police investigated the scene of the crime, they quickly locked down the "motorboat" as the tool of the crime, and thus launched a more in-depth investigation and identified three suspects, namely Wu Lihong, who operated a motorboat business without a license, and Hu Zhihan and Yu Aijun, who had a close relationship with him.

The modern Yu Zecheng, who is lurking in Taiwan's military intelligence bureau, has successfully found out senior officials in the military! Rely on exchange to return to his hometown

After interrogation, all three confessed the entire crime. The police also found stolen money and goods such as US dollars, Taiwan dollars, necklaces and jade bracelets, as well as tools for committing the crime - shotguns, explosives and so on.

These detailed information on solving the case, as well as the wanted and arrest warrants for Wu Lihong and the others, are classified information before they are officially released to the public. How did Li Zhihao get it?

Li Zhihao's method of obtaining confidential documents is very simple and effortless. These classified documents were not obtained by Li Zhihao by means, but were directly handed over to Li Zhihao by relevant personnel on the mainland, so that he could take them back to Taiwan's Military Intelligence Bureau and "restore his life."

What's going on?

The modern Yu Zecheng, who is lurking in Taiwan's military intelligence bureau, has successfully found out senior officials in the military! Rely on exchange to return to his hometown

Li Zhihao not only worked as a swimmer, but he also served in the Guangzhou City Garrison of the Guangzhou Military Region.

However, not long after Li Zhihao became a member of Taiwan's military intelligence agency, he secretly joined the Guangdong Provincial State Security Department, which means that Li Zhihao was a double agent.

The Qiandao Lake case was made a fuss by people with good intentions, who insisted that there was a conspiracy in this case and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to make trouble, so the mainland directly handed over the case documents to Li Zhihao and asked him to take them back to Taiwan's Military Intelligence Bureau, so that he could decipher this false information, and second, he could help Li Zhihao gain a firm foothold in Taiwan's Military Intelligence Bureau and obtain more information so as to help us.

The modern Yu Zecheng, who is lurking in Taiwan's military intelligence bureau, has successfully found out senior officials in the military! Rely on exchange to return to his hometown

Li Zhihao became famous with the "Qiandao Lake Case", and Li Zhihao believed in him.

Subsequently, Li Zhihao proposed to recruit members of the mainland development organization, and Taiwan's military intelligence bureau also awarded him the rank of major and gave him the treatment of "lifelong salary."

But someone targeted Li Zhihao at this time, causing him to be arrested, what is going on?

The modern Yu Zecheng, who is lurking in Taiwan's military intelligence bureau, has successfully found out senior officials in the military! Rely on exchange to return to his hometown


Li Zhihao's career as a "spy" was relatively smooth compared with that of other intelligence officers, and this made the three departments of Taiwan's military intelligence bureau suspicious, and they felt that they could not obtain the documents of the "Qiandao Lake case" with his ability, so they reported him internally.

Li Zhihao has good ability, and the "double agent" has done quite successfully, and he has received a lot of information from the mouths of retired personnel of the Military Intelligence Bureau, and he has successfully avoided danger when it comes.

But the three places still did not dispel their doubts, and they still targeted Li Zhihao, and in the end, Li Zhihao's true identity was exposed.

The modern Yu Zecheng, who is lurking in Taiwan's military intelligence bureau, has successfully found out senior officials in the military! Rely on exchange to return to his hometown

In 1999, Li Zhihao received news that he was asked to return to Taiwan, and after returning, Li Zhihao also played mahjong with other personnel in his spare time. At the time of his arrest, Li Zhihao was chatting with retired personnel of Taiwan's military intelligence bureau at the hotel.

Li Zhihao, who had been the longest-serving member of the mainland's "military intelligence bureau" that had been uncovered in Taiwan Province, was about 54 years old at the time of his arrest and was sentenced to life imprisonment. Many intelligence agents believed that he would most likely die in Tainan Military Prison, but in 2013, Li Zhihao was transferred to Taipei Prison.

Two years later, Li Zhihao returned to his native Hong Kong. What's going on here?

The modern Yu Zecheng, who is lurking in Taiwan's military intelligence bureau, has successfully found out senior officials in the military! Rely on exchange to return to his hometown

Back to the mainland

On November 30, 2015, Taiwan's convenience euphemistically told the media that the two sides of the strait had just exchanged captured intelligence officers.

According to the China Times, as early as 2008, Taiwan wanted to "rescue" captured Taiwan spies through official or non-governmental organizations and people.

When the Olympic Games were held in Beijing, Wu Dunyi, then secretary general of the Kuomintang, discussed with the mainland the release of captured intelligence agents. After many rounds of communication and discussions, the two sides of the strait reached a consensus on the exchange of captured intelligence personnel.

The modern Yu Zecheng, who is lurking in Taiwan's military intelligence bureau, has successfully found out senior officials in the military! Rely on exchange to return to his hometown

In October 2015, this "secret" exchange of captured informants began. The mainland released Zhu Gongxun and Xu Zhangguo and let them fly directly from Guangxi to Taiwan. Taiwan released Li Zhihao and let him fly back to Hong Kong.

Since the 50s of the last century, Taiwan's espionage war against the mainland has never stopped, especially during the period from 1949 to 1988, when more than 1,000 Taiwan spies entered the mainland to seek information.

Their means of obtaining intelligence are also very simple, either they directly pay money to buy information, or they can fight a "protracted war" and go deep into the interior of the mainland.

The modern Yu Zecheng, who is lurking in Taiwan's military intelligence bureau, has successfully found out senior officials in the military! Rely on exchange to return to his hometown

The characteristics of Taiwan spies are that they "play two roles and two parents"; two acts refer to the bosses of the entertainment industry and Taiwan businessmen who come to the mainland to invest, and two parents refer to "pro-specific wives and daughters" and "pro-specific beauties."

Among them, "pro-specific beauties" is to let female Taiwan spies find more beauties in the mainland to carry out intelligence collection work; "Kissing the wife and daughter of a specific target" is a male Taiwan spy who is responsible for getting close to the wife and daughter of a specified target in order to obtain intelligence.

As cross-strait relations have become closer and closer, the number of Taiwan spies has gradually decreased, and in addition to the mainland's economic rise, the possibility of Taiwan spies buying intelligence with money has decreased, and the spy war between the two sides of the strait has subsided year by year.

The modern Yu Zecheng, who is lurking in Taiwan's military intelligence bureau, has successfully found out senior officials in the military! Rely on exchange to return to his hometown

Spies have always been pervasive, and their methods of obtaining information are complex and varied, and the slightest mistake can fall into their trap. We should always be vigilant, be vigilant when we encounter people and things that are not right, and do not become a tool for them to obtain information.


[1], "Taiwan's Intelligence Warfare against the Mainland", 20151212

[2], "The Most Famous "Double Spy" on Both Sides of the Strait Is About to Be Released from Prison and Has Been Hiding in Taiwan for More Than Ten Years" 20151012

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