
Why do people rarely have diarrhea when eating running mats in rural areas? 1. Fresh ingredients: Rural running mats usually use fresh ingredients, and the purchasing staff are often in the village

author:Frog gossip

Why do you eat running water mats in the countryside, as if people rarely have diarrhea?

1. Fresh ingredients: Rural running mats usually use fresh ingredients, and the purchasing staff are often relatives in the village, who pay great attention to the freshness of the ingredients. Because of this, the food on the running mat is already a high-quality raw material before cooking, which reduces the possibility of food spoilage or carrying a lot of harmful bacteria.

2. Cooking method: Rural running mats are usually cooked with fierce fire on large stoves, which can effectively kill most of the bacteria in the ingredients and is conducive to the cleanliness of food.

Sanitation: Although rural water mats may be rudimentary and unclean, this does not mean that food is unhygienic. In fact, many rural mat makers pay great attention to the hygiene of ingredients and the environment, and they will try their best to ensure that all links are clean, including cleaning, cutting, cooking and distribution.

3. Human factors: People involved in rural running mats are often more familiar with the local environment and food, and their stomachs may have adapted to local food and sanitation. At the same time, they also tend to pay more attention to personal hygiene practices, which also helps to reduce the incidence of diseases.

4. Eating habits: Rural running water mats are often a social event, where everyone sits around and shares food, and this reunion atmosphere reduces the health risks that may be associated with eating alone. At the same time, rural food culture also tends to pay attention to the original taste and nutritional value of food, which also reduces the possibility of gastrointestinal discomfort caused by improper eating habits. #什么是农村味儿#

Why do people rarely have diarrhea when eating running mats in rural areas? 1. Fresh ingredients: Rural running mats usually use fresh ingredients, and the purchasing staff are often in the village
Why do people rarely have diarrhea when eating running mats in rural areas? 1. Fresh ingredients: Rural running mats usually use fresh ingredients, and the purchasing staff are often in the village
Why do people rarely have diarrhea when eating running mats in rural areas? 1. Fresh ingredients: Rural running mats usually use fresh ingredients, and the purchasing staff are often in the village
Why do people rarely have diarrhea when eating running mats in rural areas? 1. Fresh ingredients: Rural running mats usually use fresh ingredients, and the purchasing staff are often in the village
Why do people rarely have diarrhea when eating running mats in rural areas? 1. Fresh ingredients: Rural running mats usually use fresh ingredients, and the purchasing staff are often in the village
Why do people rarely have diarrhea when eating running mats in rural areas? 1. Fresh ingredients: Rural running mats usually use fresh ingredients, and the purchasing staff are often in the village

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