
Laughing numbly, how good is the return of Chang'e-6? Some countries are beginning to take the initiative to return Chinese cultural relics

author:Xiaoyu said something

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Laughing numbly, how good is the return of Chang'e-6? Some countries are beginning to take the initiative to return Chinese cultural relics

Chang'e-6 successfully returned to Earth and brought back lunar samples, a feat that demonstrates the rapid development of China's space technology. The speed reached an astonishing Mach 31, which is truly breathtaking. Foreign media exclaimed, this is almost like the plot of a science fiction movie! The success of this mission is not only a milestone in China's science and technology, but also stimulates heated discussions about China's space industry at home and abroad.


When you think of Chang'e-6, what's the first thing that comes to mind? Is it the speed of Mach 31, or the mysterious lunar soil brought back from the moon? Either way, it shows us the rapid development of China's aerospace technology. Behind this, there is more of the crystallization of wisdom and sweat condensation of countless scientific researchers.


Let's talk about this speed first, Mach 31, what is the concept? That's 31 times the speed of sound, and it's basically flying from the moon to the earth in the blink of an eye. At such a speed, people can't help but think of scenes from science fiction movies. But this time, it's not the special effects, it's really happening in front of our eyes.

Laughing numbly, how good is the return of Chang'e-6? Some countries are beginning to take the initiative to return Chinese cultural relics

What is the mission of Chang'e-6? To put it simply, it is to bring back samples from the moon. These lunar soils are no ordinary soils, and they contain countless scientific secrets.

Through these samples, scientists can gain insight into the origin and evolution of the Moon. More importantly, this mission demonstrates that China has mastered the mature technology of going back and forth between the Earth and the Moon, which is of great significance for future deep space exploration.

Laughing numbly, how good is the return of Chang'e-6? Some countries are beginning to take the initiative to return Chinese cultural relics

However, the success of Chang'e-6 is not only a technological breakthrough, but also an appearance on the international stage.

This mission has shown the world China's aerospace strength and further enhanced China's international status.

Some foreign media even sighed when they reported it: "It's like a science fiction movie has become a reality!" This is not only an appreciation for China's space technology, but also a reminder of the future international scientific and technological competition.

Laughing numbly, how good is the return of Chang'e-6? Some countries are beginning to take the initiative to return Chinese cultural relics

For Chinese students, the success of Chang'e-6 is even more proud.

In a foreign country, they have expressed their excitement on social media to see how powerful their motherland's space technology is. Some international students even joked: "The express delivery service in my hometown has already gone to heaven, and we are still waiting for express delivery abroad!" ”

Because of the power of Chang'e-6, some countries have begun to take the initiative to return cultural relics, which is really "unexpected and reasonable"!

Laughing numbly, how good is the return of Chang'e-6? Some countries are beginning to take the initiative to return Chinese cultural relics

Netizens commented on this incident in a variety of ways, some ridiculing and some serious.

"It's good to enjoy the shade with your back against a tree" and "On the importance of your thighs", how many people's voices are expressed in this sentence!

Laughing numbly, how good is the return of Chang'e-6? Some countries are beginning to take the initiative to return Chinese cultural relics

What's more, he directly talked about looking for the heirloom jade seal in the underground of Japan, and this kind of "brain hole" really made people laugh out loud.

And the friend who was worried that the deep explosion would destroy the farmland, you are really meticulous, and your kindness in order not to destroy the crops is also invincible.

Laughing numbly, how good is the return of Chang'e-6? Some countries are beginning to take the initiative to return Chinese cultural relics

There was also a god on the Internet who replied, saying, "The country that returned the cultural relics: if you return it, you can't beat me, right?" "It's really laughing and crying.

Laughing numbly, how good is the return of Chang'e-6? Some countries are beginning to take the initiative to return Chinese cultural relics

Some people joked: "The great powers used to feel like this, and it is recommended that each person's salary be added to 2,000 to celebrate", which was ridiculed and proud, obviously proud of the strength of the motherland.

Another said, "It's okay to fight here," expressing his admiration for this success in a light-hearted and humorous way.

Laughing numbly, how good is the return of Chang'e-6? Some countries are beginning to take the initiative to return Chinese cultural relics

Behind these comments is a sense of trust and pride among ordinary people in the country's strength. Chang'e-6 is not only a technological progress, but also a symbol of strong backing in the hearts of the Chinese people. The country has become stronger, and cultural relics have begun to "recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors" by themselves.

Just imagine, if those looted cultural relics in the past could also fly home "on Chang'e-6", it would be great!

Laughing numbly, how good is the return of Chang'e-6? Some countries are beginning to take the initiative to return Chinese cultural relics

Finally, I would like to ask: If every country can take the initiative to return cultural relics like this, can the regrets of history be made up? What do you think about this?

Laughing numbly, how good is the return of Chang'e-6? Some countries are beginning to take the initiative to return Chinese cultural relics
Laughing numbly, how good is the return of Chang'e-6? Some countries are beginning to take the initiative to return Chinese cultural relics

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