
Consolidate safety responsibilities and build a strong line of defense to solidly promote the "Safety Management Month of Civil Affairs Service Institutions" activities

author:Quality Binzhou

Binzhou Daily/Binzhou Net News Binzhou Civil Affairs Bureau thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on production safety, in accordance with the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs' "Civil Affairs Service Organization Safety Management Month" and the Municipal Safety Committee's "Safety Production Month" deployment requirements, closely focusing on the theme of "Everyone Stresses Safety, Everyone Will Respond to Emergencies - Smooth Life Channel", and took multiple measures to pay close attention to safety management in the field of civil affairs, fundamentally prevent and eliminate risks and hidden dangers, and solidly promote the "Safety Management Month of Civil Affairs Service Institutions" in the field of civil affairs services The activity is practical and deep.

Consolidate safety responsibilities and build a strong line of defense to solidly promote the "Safety Management Month of Civil Affairs Service Institutions" activities

Improve the working mechanism and consolidate the main responsibility. According to the provincial and municipal "safety production month" deployment requirements, the Civil Affairs Bureau attaches great importance to it, acts quickly, and adheres to systematic thinking and overall promotion around the theme of "everyone stresses safety, everyone will respond to emergencies - smooth life channel", and coordinates the activities of fire safety publicity and training month, investigation and rectification month, emergency drill month, and standardization improvement month, firmly establish the concept of safety development, and improve the level of fire safety management. The Binzhou Civil Affairs Bureau has successively formulated and issued the "Implementation Plan for the Safety Management Month of the City's Civil Affairs Service Institutions in 2024", the "Implementation Plan of the Binzhou Civil Affairs Bureau on Carrying out the Special Squatting Survey of "Eating and Living Together, Creating Safety and Creating Excellent Brands" in Elderly Care Institutions, and the Notice on Carrying out the Supervision and Inspection of Safety Production in Civil Affairs Service Institutions" and other notification documents, constantly improving the working mechanism, clarifying work responsibilities, consolidating the main responsibility, and strictly implementing the responsibility of industry supervision. We have better performed our duties of daily supervision, inspection, guidance and supervision, and formed a safety work operation mechanism that grasps the first level at the first level, is responsible for the first level at the first level, and is jointly managed. It also establishes and improves the system of daily post inspections, weekly inspections by the person in charge of the unit, monthly safety summaries, and quarterly safety training and escape drills, so as to effectively improve the risk prevention capabilities of civil affairs service institutions.

Consolidate safety responsibilities and build a strong line of defense to solidly promote the "Safety Management Month of Civil Affairs Service Institutions" activities

We should pay close attention to propaganda and education, and keep the alarm bell ringing. The Binzhou Civil Affairs Bureau guides the civil affairs departments of all counties and municipalities to thoroughly implement the three-year action implementation plan for safe production in the form of centralized publicity, training and counseling, and special seminars, clarify the work requirements, and refine the implementation measures. All pension institutions are required to hold regular staff meetings, focus on learning policy documents such as "Judgment Standards for Major Accidents in Pension Institutions" and "Regulations on Fire Safety Management of Pension Institutions", comprehensively explore potential safety hazards, and do a good job of rectification against benchmarks and tables. Urge the civil affairs departments of all counties and municipalities to organize pension service institutions, civil affairs cadres and workers to watch warning education films such as "Safety Production Responsibility on the Shoulders", urge civil affairs cadres to firmly establish the concept of safe development, further build the ideological awareness of civil affairs cadres to adhere to the supremacy of the people and the supremacy of life, and strengthen the consciousness of civil affairs cadres to do a good job in safe production.

Consolidate safety responsibilities and build a strong line of defense to solidly promote the "Safety Management Month of Civil Affairs Service Institutions" activities

Strengthen the investigation of hidden dangers and build a solid safety barrier. The Civil Affairs Bureau set up 7 supervision groups for centralized rectification and improvement of safety production, focusing on the six "main tasks" indicators of safety production month, and carried out special research activities of "eating and living together, creating safety and creating excellent brands" in various counties and urban pension institutions, and went deep into the grassroots to find out potential safety hazards, and carried out "physical examination" investigation of more than 120 civil affairs service agencies in the city one by one in accordance with the requirements of the inspection mechanism of "four sees, four inspections and four standards", and in-depth investigation of potential problems and hidden dangers. On this basis, the Civil Affairs Bureau took the lead in uniting fire protection, emergency response, market supervision and other departments to carry out supervision and inspection of gas use, power management, safety evacuation, fire protection facilities and equipment configuration, emergency disposal, food safety and other aspects of civil affairs service institutions on a regular basis, and immediately supervised and rectified the problems found in the inspection, so as to achieve full coverage of all institutional expert inspections or departmental joint inspections.

Consolidate safety responsibilities and build a strong line of defense to solidly promote the "Safety Management Month of Civil Affairs Service Institutions" activities

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