
The Third Party Branch of the Municipal Bureau held a special party class education conference and a scheduling meeting on food safety and news and publicity work

author:Xiangyang market supervision

On the morning of October 23

Member of the Party Group of the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau,

Chief Engineer Shen Keqing presided over the meeting

Third Party Branch Special Party Class Education Conference

food safety and news campaigns

Work scheduling meeting

The Third Party Branch of the Municipal Bureau held a special party class education conference and a scheduling meeting on food safety and news and publicity work

At the meeting, Shen Keqing gave a party course with the theme of "Deeply Study and Practice Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and Strive to Promote the New Situation of High-quality Development of Xiangyang All-factor Food Safety Supervision", educating and guiding all cadres of the Third Party Branch, Food Safety Coordination Section, Food Production Section, Food Circulation Section, Catering Section, and News Education Section to unify their thinking and actions, and promote the steady improvement of food safety and news and publicity work.

The Third Party Branch of the Municipal Bureau held a special party class education conference and a scheduling meeting on food safety and news and publicity work

Shen Keqing pointed out

Every party member and cadre should forge his soul through study, correct his ideological roots, build a solid foundation of faith, replenish the calcium of the spirit, and stabilize the rudder of thinking. It is necessary to increase wisdom through study, understand the law, clarify the direction, learn the method, and increase wisdom from the party's scientific theory, and learn the ability to look after the household. It is necessary to study a healthy style, persist in combining goal-oriented and problem-oriented, integrate study and reform, find gaps in the requirements of party style, party spirit, and party discipline, and enhance the effectiveness of examination and rectification. It is necessary to promote work through study, persist in the integration of study and thinking, unify knowledge and belief, and guide Kuang Zheng to work, enhance the motivation of work, and form a joint force of work.

Shen Keqing demanded

Last year's assessment results were an encouragement, a responsibility, and a spur to the city's food safety work, and this year's food safety work should continue to make efforts to strive for "three and one". All food safety departments and journalism education departments should benchmark against the assessment rules, make every effort to launch a sprint to the annual target tasks, continue to maintain high-score indicators, and expand their leading edge; For medium indicators, strive to catch up and strive for better results; Attach great importance to the backward indicators, analyze them item by item, formulate improvement measures item by item, and always strictly grasp and firmly hold the bottom line red line work.

The Third Party Branch of the Municipal Bureau held a special party class education conference and a scheduling meeting on food safety and news and publicity work

This year, all mouths should make more efforts in the assessment of bonus projects, take the "Guiding Opinions on Comprehensively Promoting the Work of Smart Supervision Services for All Elements of Food Safety and All Links" issued by the Provincial Market Supervision Bureau as the starting point, give full play to the characteristics and advantages of Xiangyang, start from the design of top-level systems, the establishment of industry norms, the improvement of enterprise standards, the creation of demonstration areas, the establishment of expert teams, the opening of smart supervision networks, and the improvement of sampling and monitoring capabilities, etc., constantly pioneering and innovating, and gradually improving Xiangyang's food safety governance capabilities and governance levels. Enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security.

Three focus on three improvements! Promote the deepening of discipline education

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Source: Xiangyang Market Supervision Administration

Editor: Wang Jiali

Responsible editor: Liang Long

Audit: Superintendent

Organizer: Xiangyang Market Supervision Administration

Operation: Xiangyang Radio and Television Station

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