
The price of charging stations has increased! [呲tooth] [呲tooth] On June 1, a number of major domestic charging operators such as special calls, Xiaoju charging, and star charging have raised their DC charging services

author:The years are like wind and smoke

The price of charging stations has increased! [呲tooth] [呲tooth] [呲tooth]

On June 1, a number of major domestic charging operators such as Telai Charging, Xiaoju Charging, Star Charging, etc., have raised the cost of DC charging services, with an average increase of 20%-30%.

A large number of electric car owners panicked. I checked that an electric car can run about 5-8 kilometers per kilowatt-hour. Roughly calculated, the power consumption per 100 kilometers is 13 kWh. It is about 13 yuan per dollar. If the fuel consumption of the oil truck is 100 kilometers and 10 liters, the oil price is calculated at 8 yuan a liter, and the postage is 80 yuan. In this way, the electricity cost is 6 yuan per kilowatt-hour, and the electricity consumption is 78 yuan per 100 kilometers, which is basically the same as that of oil trucks, and the price of oil and electricity is the same! So for 6 yuan, the cost of an electric car is still a little lower! [呲tooth] [呲tooth] [呲tooth]

Therefore, it is okay to pray for the electricity price to be less than 6 yuan! Don't forget that the train is also subsidized! Enjoy the green card!

In short, it is good for capitalists not to participate in anything, and once they do, they do not know the end of the good days. The capitalists of the socialist countries are the worst in the world because they can use their power to do whatever it takes to achieve their ends.

It is hoped that the socialist countries will truly be people-centered and maintain a high degree of vigilance against capital.

Picture above is easy [Rose] [Rose] [Rose]

The picture comes from the Internet, and the infringement will be deleted immediately!

The price of charging stations has increased! [呲tooth] [呲tooth] On June 1, a number of major domestic charging operators such as special calls, Xiaoju charging, and star charging have raised their DC charging services
The price of charging stations has increased! [呲tooth] [呲tooth] On June 1, a number of major domestic charging operators such as special calls, Xiaoju charging, and star charging have raised their DC charging services
The price of charging stations has increased! [呲tooth] [呲tooth] On June 1, a number of major domestic charging operators such as special calls, Xiaoju charging, and star charging have raised their DC charging services

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